Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/66

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64 LEJTNOX. XI T . 152G. IS or 4. Matthew (Stuart), Eari of Lennox and Lord Darnley [S.], s. and h., Bervflrt, when young, niifler the French crown, in the Italian war. He teas, in 1548, a Rrent promoter of the English interest at the' Court [S.1, and incurred forfeiture 1 Oct. 1545, which was rescinded in Dec. 1561, during which period he resided in England, receiving from Henry VIII., a grant of the manor of Temple Newnara, co. York. Ho was elected REGENT [S.], 1 1 July 1570, on behalf of (his grandson) the infant King, !>nt was taken prisoner by the party of Queen Mary [S.L and mortally wounded, -1 Sep. 1571, at Stirling, where he was bur. He »i. about 1514, Margaret, da. of Archibald (DoUOLASI, EaRL of Angi's [S.]. bjr his second wife thk IjaBY Margaret TodOB, Queen Dow. of Scotland, da. of King Henry VII. She d. 9 March lfi7"7, aged 61, at Hackney, Co. Midx., ami was bur. in Westm. Abbey. M.I. Will pr. 1578. [Henry Stuart, styled Lord Dauni.ev, 1st .s. ainl h, np., 1545, ut Temp'e Newsam afsd. ; <•>•. Lord Ard iannoch and Eahi. of Ross [S.], 15 May 1505 and Di'kk of Amiany [8.J, 20 -Inly following. On 29 July 1505, he m. Mary. Queen of SjOtland, at Holvrood chapel, having been proclaimed King of Scotland, the day previous. He d. from an explosion of gunpowder) at Kirk (V Field, 10 Feb. 1500 7, aped 21 and was bur. in Holy rood chapel. The abdication of the Queen, his widow, 24 July 1507. and her execution 10 Feb. 1580/7, at Futheringay Castle are matters of national history.] XV. 1571. H or 5. James VI., King of Scotland, ^ramlsoii and h., being only s. and h. of Henry STl'AHT, styled Lord DaRNI.KY, &c. by Queen Mary [S.]. his wife both ubovenamed, b. as Di'KE of Rothesay, ie. [S ], 19 June 1560. at Klin burgh Castle, sue. his father, 10 Feb. 1500 7 as Duke ok Albany, Jfce. [S.], became 21 July 1507, by the abdication of the Queen, his mother, King of Scotland, and me. his paternal grandfather (the aboveiiamcd Matthew , 4 Sep. 1571, as EaUI of Lennox and Loan Daeni.ey [S.], which fwnours, acoordin;:ly, as soon as they were thus inherited, merged in the Crown. XVI. 1572, Charles Stuart, paternal uncle to King James VI. to [Sij, being 2d and yet. but only surv. s. (tho' not heir) to Matthew 157C. (Stuart), Earl of Lennox [S.], and Margaret, his wife, both abovenained. He was b. about 1556 atid was ct'., 18 April 1572, RARI, OF LENNOX and LOUD DARNLEY [S ]. with rem. to his heirs mile, and had, by four charters of the same date, the lands of that Earldom settled on him in like manner. He in., in 1571. Elizabeth, sister of William, 1st ERL OF DEVONSHIRE, da. of Sir William Cavendish. KB., by his third wife, the well known Elizabeth (afterwards CoUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY), da. of John HarDWICK, of llanhvi, k, eo. Derby. He d. s.p.m.( il ) in London in 1570, in his 21st year, and was bun in Westm. Abbey when all hi* honour* became extinct. XVII. 1578, Robert Stuart, BUhop of Caithness, patoinal graml to uncle to King James VI. [S.J, being 2d s. of John, :id EaM, of 1580. Lennox [S.] (of the Stuart family), by Anne, his wife, both above- named, b. about 1515 ; was in Holy Orders, being sometime Provost of Dumbarton ; elected Bishop of Caithness in 1543 but deprived of that postthe same year for rebellion ; restored 1503 and, taking the part of the Reformation, had a gift of the priory of St. Andrew's. He was cr., 10 June 1578, EARL (JF LENNOX and LORD DARN LEY [S.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body, but resigning the said dignities, within two years thereof, was cr., 5 March 1579/80, EARL OF MARCH and LORD OF DUNBAR [S.], titles which were confirmed by Koyal charter (») The career of his only da. and h , the Lady Arabella Stuart, ami her secret marriage with William Seymour, afterwards (1621) Earl of Hertford, ami finally ( 1660) Duke of Somerset, is well known. She d. a lunatic in the Tower of London and was but: 27 Sep. 1615, in Westm. Abbey, aged about 38.