Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/67

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LENNOX. 05 5 Oct. 15S2. He m. before 1 *» 7 0 Elizabeth, widow of Mutrh (Phaser), 6th Lord [S.] (who il. Jan. 1570/7), 1st da. of John (Stewart). 4th Earl ok Atiiole [S ], by his Hrst wife. Eliwtb>?tli, da. of Oeirge (GokpoX). 4th E r. (i* BtrirrLT (9.J She obtained in or before 1581 a divorce/ 1 ) from liini for ini|ioteiiey.( b ) He </. s.p. 29 March 1580, iu his 70th year, at St. Andrew's, when all kil honours became extinct. XVIII. 1580, 1. Esme( c ) Stuart, 6th Seigneur D'Aubigny( d ) in Dukedom fS 1 FR,,lce ' on b' s - "ind h. of John Stuart. 5th Seigneur D'Aubigny, 1 'J by Anne, yst. da. and coheir of Francois, Seigneur de la I. 1")8I. QoBBtLK which John was br. to Robert, Earl of Lennox, and afterwards E.Mti. Of Mauaii [S.] nest above mentioned), was b. about 1542 : his father in the SeiijneUria of Allbigny, 31 May 1507. At the invitation of his cousin, King .lames VI. [S.J. he came over to Scotland, 8 Sep. 1509, and received a grant of the rich Abbey of Arbroath and the custodv of the Castle of Dumbarton. He was rr 5 March 1579/89, EARL OF LENNOX, LOUD DARK LEV, ACIildNV, AND DALKEITH [S.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body, which failing, the dignity to return to the King. He was, 17 months later, on S Aug. 1581. rr. DUKE OF LENNOX, EARL OF DARN LEV, LOUD Al'HIGN V, DALKEITH, TOKBOLTOUS, AND ABERDl >UK [$.]{*) with, probably, the same rein. ') having been, IS Oct. 15S0, inaite heritable Cheat Chamberlain |S] He appears, however, to have been secretly in the interest of restoring the King's mother, Mary Queen of Scots, to the throne, and after the raid of /lulhrcn, 23 Aug. 1582, the King issued orders for his quitting Scotland. He m. in 1572 (his ( a ) She Bt., 0 Julv 15S1, James (Stewart), Earl of Arran [S.] {attainted in Nov. 1585) and d. April 1596. ( b ) He liad, however, an illegit. da., Margaret, who hi. Robert Algeo, of Easter Walkinshaw, co. Renfrew. [Crauftird's Peerage, p. 292.] ( c ) Esme or Ayine. (d) See (as to this branch of the family) an accurate and interesting little Work, privately printed in 1S91 (pp. 130) entitled '* Some account of the Stuarts of Allbigny in France [1422,-1672], by Lady Elizabeth Cost. The seigneurie of Atlbiguy in Berry was grante.l by King Charles V1L, of France, to Sir John Stuart, of Darnley (constable of the Scottish army in France) 20 March 1123, and confirmed by Pari. 30 July 1425. He had distinguished himself in the victory over the English at Badge, 21 March 1420/1, •001 after which he entered permanently into tile service of Fiance and was -lain near Orleans 1429. His second son, John Stuart, sue. him as 2d Seigneur D'Aubigny and </. 1182. being .inc. by his son, Bernard Stuart, 3d Seigneur D'Aubigny. who </. s p.m. in 1508. On his death the Seigneurie was established to his cousin and sou iu law, Krbert Stuart, 4th s. of John, 1st Lord Darnley afterwards Earl of Lennox, which John was s. and h. of Sir Alan Stuart, s. and h. of the 1st SMgneur D'Aubigny. This Robert, the 4th Seigneur, d. s.p. 1543, when the Seigneurie was established to his great nephew, John Stuart, yst. s. of John, and br. of Matthew and Robert, all Earls of Lennox, which John, the 5th Seigneur, who </. 1507, was father of Esme, the 6th Seigneur, rr. Duke of Lennox, as in the text, who was the last of these Seigneurs that resided permanently in France. (°) According to Douglas (vol. ii, p. C71) the Baronies granted were Allbigny, Torholtoun and Dalkeith," but there is no reference given to the " Mag* Siy. ,y or any other authority. Iu Lady Eliz. Cust'a " Stuart* of Auhigny " it is stateil that his titles were proclaimed as " Duick of Lenox, Erie Dernlie, Lord Obignnie, Dalkeith, Torboltoun, Aberdumt, Knyght of Cruiekstonn, Great Chamberlain of Scotland." Andrew Stuart (pp. 258 and 2 GO) also mentions Alterdum: » f ) The original grant of the liuked'nit of Lennox is not to be found. If it was to heirs t/tneral, the Kails of Darnley [I.] would be entitled thereto, and it was, indeed, claimed in 1829 by the 1th Earl, as heir of line, which undoubtedly ho wjs. His petition was referred to the Lords, but no further proceedings were taken thereon. See p. 07, note " d." F