Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/76

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74 LEYBURN — LICHFIELD. (1309/10), S Ed. IL, when the writ was issued for his /my. p. Mortem taken .it Elmli.un, Kent, April 1010. His wife survived him. Her /«f/. yusf mortem taken (1027), 1 Ed. HI. On liis deafii tln> rertrftspntntinn el any Btirony in f« o which lie in iy have enjoyed devolved on liis giandaughter and h.. Juliauii. then aged .-ix years, da. mul b. ofTIlorjoaS Li'vlniiu, hid 1st s. mid b. ttpy, who d. V >. 1307. On the death of her greiit grandson, John (de Hastings), Earl of Pembroke, in 1091, her issue become extinct and the representation passed to the descendants of ldnnca [her aunti only da. of William Ley burn (the Baron) w liu ,u. Geoffrey de Say, and was ancestress of the Lords Say. Barony by Writ. LEYBURX [of EUesmere.] John pe I.eytiurn, r>f Ellesmere, Salop, r. and h, of 1337, to 1381. Sir Simon L , of Berwick, in that eo., by Lucy, da. of Roger and siMer of John Le Stiiam.e, of Ellesmere, af.-d., was found b. U) bis father and aged 14 in 100!', and h. to bis uncle, John Le Strange, iu 1330; M l', for Salop, loL'2. iu which year be was involved in the insurrection of the Earl of Lancaster. He served in the Gascon and the Scotch wars ; was .-urn. to Pari. a< a Baron (LOUD LKYBURN) 21 June (1337), 11 Kd. 111., to 14 Feb. (1348), 22 Kd. IU. He in. after 1322 Beatrix, widow of Peter Corbet, of Cans, da. of John BkaI'CHAMI', of Somerset. She d. s.p. in bis lifetime. He d. s.p. in 1384 when bis parage became extinct. Jnq. p. mortem at Exeter, 19 Nov. 1348. LIBBERTON. The Barony ok Libbt.rton [S.] is gornetirrjes paid to have boon conferred, 18 Sep. 1 628, on Sir Robert Dalzell, but the proper designation of the peerage gianted appears to have been Dalzell. See " Cabnwath " Earldom [S.J, cr. 1639. LICHFIELD. [Lord Berxapd Stuart, ysi s. of Esnio, 3.1 Puke of Lennox [SL], b. about 1623, knighted IS April 1642, having greatly distinguished himself in the Royal cause at Newbury and again near the citv of Lichfield, was, before 15 June 1645, designated BARON STUART OE NEWBURY, Berks, and EARL OF LICH- FIELD, but d. uum. before any warrant to that effect past the seals, being slain 26 Sep. 1645, ( a ) at the battle of Rowton heath, near Chester, tW his burial at Christ Church cathedral, Oxford (probably misdated) is not recorded till 11 March 1645/6.] Earldom. 1. Charles Stuart, 11th Seigneur D'Anbigny, ouly I 1645 s ' ant ' ort ' George Stuart, 10th Seigneur D'Aul.igny, who ^ o ' was br. to Lord Bernard Stuart said to have been cr. EaKI. ok Lil'H- , „„„ FIELD as above stated, was b. 7 March 1640, and was on 10 Dec. 1645, cr. BAKON STUART OP NEWBURY, Berks, and EARL OF LICH- FIELD. ( b ) On 14 Aug. 1660, he sue. bb Duke ok Richmond, &c. He d. s.p. in Dec. 1672 when that Dukedom, &e., together with the Earldom of Lichfield and the Baro ny of Stuart of t*'ewbury became extinct. See "RICHMOND Dukedom, cr. 1641, ex. 1672, sub the 3d Duke. (■>) See " The Loyalists Bloody Roll" (vol. i, p. 194, note " c "), in which be is called "Earl of Lichfield." ( b ) These titles, conferred on a child of five years old, were those that had been intended for his said uncle, Lord Bernard Stuart, had he so long lived.