Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/77

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LICHFIELD. 75 LL 1674. Sir Edward Henry Lee, R.ut. [1(511], of Qnar- endon, Bucko, ami of Ditchiey, Oxon, a. and h. of Sir Fiamis Henry Lkk, lth Rut., by Elisabeth, da. and b. of Thomas (Pow.), 2d Earn, of DtrtVM! [1.], whs fc. about 1056; svr. his father in the Baronetcy, Nor. 1667, and baring m. (at b*r nge trf 12! 0 Pub. 1676 7. the Lwly Charlotte Fiuiu>v (to whom be had been attiaiuetl in or before IG74), illegit. da. of King Charles It., by Barbara, aua jure DtfCttKtia or t'l.KVELANn, was by the Kin:;. Ins father-in-law, cr., 0 June 1674. IS.MiON OK SPKLSBUKV, Oxon. VISCOUNT QUAKENDON, Kucks, and KAKL OP THE CITY <H LICHFIELD, co. Stafford. He was Gent, of the Bed- chamber* 1683-M : Lord Lieut, of Oxon, 16S7-SS, and Col. of the 1st Font Guards, Nov. to Dee liiSS, but retired from office at the Revolution. (•) He </. 14 July 1716, aged 64, at Greenwich, and was bur. at Suelcbury. M.I. Admou. 3 Aug. 1716. His widow, who was b. 5 Sep. 1664, aud who was famous for her beauty, d. 17 Feb. 1717, S, and was bur. at Spelsbury, aged 55. 51. 1. Will pr. March 1718. ( b ) [Charies Tjmk, *hih'il Viscount Qtahendon, 1st s. and 1). ap., b. at Windsor Castle, 6 May lUSu, King Charles II. and Prince Bupert being his sponsors. He (/. v.|... aged 22 weeks, aud was bur. 13 Oct. 16S0, iu the vault of the St. John family at Battersea, Surrey.] [Edward Meshy Lee, nfyl»d Viscount Quahendox, 2<1 but 1st sun*. s. and b. ap., b. at Windsor, 6 June 1681 ; Col. of the Koyal Keg. of Guards. He (/. v. p. and num. 1713.1 III. 171 <>. George Henry (Lee), Earl of Lichfield, &c. 6th but 1st surv. s. ami h., b. in St. James' Park, 12 March 1689/90 ; sti/lcd Viscount QOaRBSTOM from 1713 till be sue. to the peerage, 14 July 1716 ; Castas Brtcium in the Court of Common Picas; cr. DC.L. of Oxford, 1!) Aug. 1732. He m.(*) Prances, da. of Sir John, 4th Bart., of Woodcburch, eo. Kent, by his first w ife, Helen, da. of Sir Uicbard BkaLING. He d. 15 Feb. 1742/3, aud was bur. at Spelsbury. Will pr. 1743. His widow d. 25 Feb. 1769, aged 71, and was bur. at St Paucras, Midx. M.I. IV. 1743. 6'. George Henry (Lee), Earl of Licitfield, &c, s. and b., b. 21 May 171 S, being sti/lcd ViscnUNT Quahenton till 1743 ; mat. at Oxford (St. John's Coll.), 1 Jan. 1735 6: cr. M.A., 14 Feb. 1737 ; M.P. for Oxon, 1740-43 ; sue. to the peerage, 15 Feb. 1742 3 ; cr. D.C.L. of Oxford, 25 Aug. 1743. and again (by diploma) 27 Sep. 1762; Qutto* Breviitm in the Court of Common Pleas; High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford, 1760; Lord of the Bedchamber, 1760 ; Capt. of the Gen. Pensioners, 1762 ; P.O., 1762; Chancellor of the Univ. of Oxfurd, 1762. He m , Jan. 1744/5, at the chapel in Queen Square, Bath, Dinah, da. and coheir of Sir Tin mas Kuanki.and, 3d Bart,, of Thirkleby, co. York, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, by his first wife, Dinah, da. and h. of Francis Topham, of Agel- thnrpe, eo. York. He (/. s.p, 17 Sep. 1772, aged 54,( J ) and was bur at Spelsbury. W ill dat. 21 Feb. 1769, to 5 Sep. 1772, pr. 15 Oct. 1772. His widow d. 8 Jan. 1779, aged 60. Will dat. 14 March 177S, pr. 15 Jan. 1779. (") "A man of honour ; never Could tide the oatlis to King William ; hath good sense ; is not yet come to Queen Anne's court ; 50 years old." [Macky's " Characters."] ( b ) She bad no less than 13 sons and five daughters, of all of whom the births and baptisms are given in u landlord." (") The date of this marriage is not known and it was " for some cause or another kept secret for some time." See " Uer. and Gen.," vol. iii, where are a series of articles on this family by "F. G. L." C) His eldest sister, Charlotte, became eventually the heiress of the estates of the family of Lee, at Ditcbley, Oxon, and elsewhere. She, who was wife of Henry (Dillon), 11th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen [I.], d. 11 June 1794, being ancestress of the succeeding Viscounts Dillon, who have taken the surname of Lee after that of Dillon.