Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/159

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SLANE. 157 II. 1370. Thomas (Fleming), Baron Slane [I.], 8. and li., aged 12 years in 1370. He sat in pari. (I] temp. Kic. II, being then placed next below Lord Qormanston [I.] '■) He was one of the guardians of the marches of Meath temp. Hen. IV, and Ren. V. In 1417 he vested in trustees for the purpose of settlement " the estates in Devonshire which had belonged to his ancestors before their arrival in Iiehuul/V) as also his lordships of Slane, Culumlleu i:c., co, Meath. He Bigned the address to Hen. V. as one of the peers present at the great council of Sans. He in. firstly Elizabeth, da. of. his guardian, Robert (Prestos), 1st Lord QORMANSTON, by Margaret da. and h. of Walter DK BIRMINGHAM. He »». secondly 'Katharine Le Rotillkr " said to be da. of James (BUTLER) Earl of Ormonde [I.] He (I. (1434-85) 1:! Hen. VI. His second wife survived him. III. 143-. 8. Christopher (Fleming), Baron Slane [I.J and h. by first wife : did homage for his estate 1437 ; was sued for absence from Ireland, hot pleaded his necessary presence on his estates in co. Devon. He m. firstly Levita, da. of Martin Fehrehs. of Here Ferrers, Devon. He m. secondly (by dispensation of the Primate, 1423) his kinswoman Elizabeth WooaN otherwise Fitzgerald da and coheir of John WoOAJf, s. and h. up. of Sir David Wogan. He rf. 30 Nov. (1446) 26 Hen. VI. IV. 1447. -J. Christopher (Fleming), Baron Slane fl.] grand- son and h., being only s. and h. of John Fleming, by Anne ROCHFORT his wife, which John, who, was 1st s. anil h. of the hist Lord and his only s. by the first wife, '/. v. p. He sat iu the pari. [1.] of 1451. He rf. s.p. 1457. («J V. 1457. 5. David (Fleming), Baron Slane() [I.], uncle and h. male, being 2d and yst. s. of the penultimate Lord and his only s. by his 2d wife. He sat iu the Pari. [I.] of 1482 in the precedency of the former Barons, which was declared (by act of Pari, 38 Hen. VI., and 2 Ed. IV.), to be next to that of the Barony of Gormanston [I.] He m. Alice, da. of Sir Robert Dillon. He d. 1-163. His widow was living (1473), 13 Ed. IV. VI. 14G3. (i. Thomas (Fleming), Baron Slane [LJ only st. and h. : was seven years old in 1 163 when bis wardship was confirmed to the Earl of Kildare To him iu 1 170, tho' still a minor, livery was granted of his f iiher's estate. He »>. Eleanor but rf. s.p. S Dee. 1470. ;<) His widow was living (1473), 13 Ed. IV. (») See page 156, note " e." C) " Lijnch " p. 1"6. ( c ) Ou his death his two sisters and coheirs became the representatives of the previous Lords. These were (1) Anne, who Ml. Walter Dillon, and (2) Amy who tn. John Bellew. They both left issue. The said Anne Dillon and one Patrick Bellew, s. and h. of the said Amy, inherited the estates in Devon and Cornwall and some also of those in Ireland, tho' not till the death of their cousin, Thomas, Baron Slane, in 1470, when the issue male of their grandfather became extinct. Among their descendants would be in abeyance any Barony of Slane descendible to heirs general which, in Mr. Bryan's claim to this title, this Barony is supposed to have been under the writ of sunimous and sitting, temp. Ed. II. and Ed. III., on the presumption (supported only oy the unique and anomalous decision of 17T37, in the case of the Irish Barony of Ln Peer) that the effect of a summons by the Chief Governor of Ireland to an Irish Purl, was the same as (according to the decision arrived at iu the l/th century) that of one by the Sovereign, to the Pari, of England. ( a ) He is recognised as such in statute roll, 37 Hen. VI., cap. 7, in which a rent head is confirmed to his nieces, and in which it is stated that the Crown not only claimed but actually held the manor of Slane. Had the Barony been one in fee (i.t. one er. by writ) it would (ou the analogy of such a Barony tn England) have fallen into abeyance between this David's uieces, and had it been merely a palatine honour it would have gone with the manor. See case of James Fleming. (") See vol. iii, p. 224, note "a," sub " Dunsany," as to the right of succession to an Irish Barony belonging to tho heir male, and not to the heir general. 0 Ou his death hia three sisters became bis coheirs, viz. (1) Anne, aged 16 (2)