Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/191

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SOMERVILLE. 189 XIV. M 1765, lt (*) James (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S.], 1st s. and h. by first wife ; 6. Jan. 1727 ; was in the 2d Iteg. of Dragoon Guards, 1751, serving in several campaigns, being Lieut. Col. of that Keg. 1763 to 17(54 ; siir. to the peerage [S.], 11 Dec 1765 ; Rep. Pekk [S.], 1793 96. He i/. suddenly and unm. in London, 16 April 1796, aged 70, and was bur. at Weston, near Bath, co. Somerset. Admou. 7 May 1796. XV. ( il ) 17UG. ISJ*) John- Southet (Somerville), Lord Somer- viu.e [S.J nephew and h., being 1st s. and h. of Lieut. Col. the Hon. Hugh SoMKiiviu.K, of Fit/.head, on. Somerset, and only s. by Ins first wife, Elizabeth Cannon, da. and It, of Christopher LbTHBRIDOK, of Pilton, co. Devon, which Hugh, who (/. 7 May 17P5, aged 60, was next br. of the late Lord. He was b. 21 Sep. 1765, at Aston Somerville afsd ; ed. at Harrow and at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1785 ; inc. to the peerage [S.]. 16 April 1796 ; chosen a Kf.p. Pekh [S.], 1796, 1802 and 1806 ; Pres. of the board of Agriculture, 179S ; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1799. He unm, of dysentery, at Vevav, in Switzerland, 5 Oct. 1819, aged 54, and was bur. at Somerville Aston afsd. '.J Will dat. 22 Sep. 1813, to 16 Dec. 1815, pr. 19 March 1820. XVI. (») 1810. Mark (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S.], br. (of the half blood) and h., being 3d but 2d surv. s.(^) of the Hon. Hugh SoJIERVlLLB abovenamed, by his second wife, Mary, da. of the Hon. Wriothesley DlQBT, of Meriden, co. Warwick, yr. s. of William, 5th' BauoN DlGBJ ok Geasiiii.i. [I.J He was 6. 26 Oct. 17*1 ; was sometime an officer in the Koyal Artillery ; .inc. to the peerage [S.I, 5 Oct. 1819. He d. unm. 3 June 1S42, aged 57, at the Hall, Dei khamustead, Herts. Will pr. July 1842. XVII. (») 1812. 17.{") Kenelm (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S.J next br. and h., b. 14 Nov. 17S7, at Bath ; ed. (1795) at Rugby ; entered the Royal Navy and was in command off the coast of America and in the expedition up the Patuxent river, becoming in 1S02 a retired Admiral ; tue. to the peirmje [8.J, 3 June 1842. He m. 3 Sep. 1S33, Frauces Louisa, only da. of John Havman. lie rf. 19 Oct. 1864, at his seat, Newbold Comyn, co. Warwick, in his 77th year. His widow IS Nov. 1S85, at Granville place, Mary- lebone. XVIII.;') 1SG1, Hugh (Somerville), Lord Somerville to [S.], 1st but only surv. s. and h., *. 11 Oct. 1839, at 1868. Leamington, co. Warwick; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; Lieut Wanv. Yeo. Cavalry, 1861 ; sue. to the peerage [S.], 19 Oct. 1861. He d. num., beuig killed when out hunting, near KiKvorth, co. Leic, 17 Nov. 1868, in his 30th year. [At his death the question again arose, as in 1618, whether the dignity should descend to heirs general or heirs male. The former, being the live sisters and coheirs^ 1 ) of the late Lord, took uo steps in the matter, and it was assumed by the heir male as below.] («) These numbers are only accurate if the succession be taken as one in tail male. ( b ) He took great interest in agricultural matters, and was the introducer of a breed of Merino sheep from Lisbon. ( c ) His next elder br., Hugh (1st son of his father's second wife), who in 1791 was in the Bengal Civil Service, d. unm. 1804. C) These were (1) Louisa Harriet, b. 11 .Ian. 183), m. 21 Oct. 1S71, Lieut. Gen. Charles Henry Stuart, C.B. This lady, if this peerage be descendible to heirs of line, would have been in 1868 entitled to be BAHONESS SOMERVILLE [S.] (2) Emily Charlotte, b. 2!) July 1836. m. 29 April 1869, Rev. Thomas Bond Bird Robinson, near of Milton, Hants (:i) Mary Agnes, b 19 Dec. 1S37, m. 18 June 1S72, Sir Theophilns William Biddnlph, 7th Bart, (who d. 1 March 1SS3, aged 53), and d. 18 June 1889, leaving issue (4) Selina Constance, b. 21 Nov. 1841, M, 6 Aug. 1861, Ralph Smyth, of Gavbrook, co. Westmeath, and d. s.p. (5) Julia Frauces, b. 24 May 1814, m. 23 Nov. 1871, Sir Edward William Blackett, 6th Bart., and had iBsue.