Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/344

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343 SUTHERLAND, [.Toms Sutherland, 1st s. mnl h. ap, hv fust wifr, wns :i hoslncp fur David II. [S ] I Sep 1901, 13 July 1354 and 3 Get. 1357 in which year he went, with lu's father, to Knglaud an.l i/. there v.ji. and uiiiii. of the pestilence at I. in 'In about Christmas 1361 ]• V. 1370. •'• W illiam ( ^ i'th ehlan d), Maul of Sutherland [S.l, 2d and yst. anil < nil y surv. 8. and h- by first wife : »«c lib) father in 1370 hut was not Among the nobles who swore fealty, 20 March 1371,0') to the new King, It' iliert II. [S.] He was present at the surprise of Berwick by the Sent*, Nov. 1884, ami in the march to Carlisle in 138S. He m. (— ). He d. about 1308. VI. 1398? (J. HOBBBT (SOTHBIILAXD), Karl OP SuTHKRLAKn S. 1st s. anil h., site, his father about 1898 : was in the buttle of Homil- ilon, 1 -1 0"J : had many successful contests with the clan of Mackay. and was a hostage to England !t Nov. 1427 for James I. [S.] Hem. Mabilla. ila. of John i Di nhai:', Eaul UK MoHAT [S.] by the Lady Marjory StKWviit, da. uf Robert II. [S.) He d. at iHmrubin, 1442, and was far. at Dornoch afsd. VII. 1442. 7. John* (Sutiikhland), Earl op SwniBRLASD [R ], l«t s. and h., $UC. his father in 14 12 ; resigned the Karldom in favour of .lolin his s. and h. ap. (reserving his own life rent therein) 22 and received on 21 Keb. 1 155/0 a royal nnruiht m us thereof accordingly. He m. Margaret, da. of Sir William BaiLLTK, of Lamington, oo. Lanark. He </. 1 4ii0 and was far. at Golspie. His widow! 1 ') was on bad terms with her s. and h., who demolished her house at Helmisilale. She m. Alexander Dunbar, who was slain by Alexander Sutherland, of Dilred, being herself living 20 Oct. 1495. VIII. 11 GO. S. .InHX (SUTHERLAND), KaRL OF SUTHERLAND [S.], s. and h.( c ) was Bar of the Karldom in Keb. 1 158/6, and MM. his father therein in 1400. He w. Margaret, 1st da. of Alexander (MacDONALD), ok RON [S.J by Elizabeth, tin. of Alexander (Skton), 1st LORD GORDON [S.] .She was drowned in crossing the ferry at Unes. He d. 1508 and was fat*, at Golspie. IX. 1508. 8. John (Sutherland), Karl of Sutherland [S.], 1st and only surv. s. ami h., sue. his father in 15CS, but being " weak of judgment, deprived of natural wit and understanding,";' 1 ) his sister, Klizabeth Gordon was served, 23 May 1509, as heir, tho' two months later. 24 July 1509, he himself was so served/") tho' not seized therein till 1512, whereby the Earldom "fell into a uonentrie for the space of thrie yeirs."(' 1 ) He d. num. 1514. X. lo. 0. Elizabeth, mo jure, Countess of Sutherland fS-T, only sister and h., was served heir of her brother in that Earldom, 3 Oct. 1514, and was (by virtue of a precept from the Chancery) iufeoffed therein, 30 Jime 1515. (a) He was not improbably disaffected to Hubert's succession, being himself nephew of the lull blood to 1 (avid, the late King, to whom the new King (Hubert II.,) was nephew by the kdf blood (only), tho' he was heir of line of Hubert I. as s. and h. of that King's eldest daughter. It is said by Buchanan and others that King David 1»<1 intended thiH William to be his successor, and it appears [Gordon's " 5WA."J that many lands had been granted by the 4th Earl to the families of Hay, Kraser, Gordon, Sinclair, Ogilvy, && with a view of securing their support. ( b ) Shew-as " a lady of excellent beauty." (Gordon's " But Sirf/i."] (") He is sometimes said to have had an elder br., Alexaniler, of whose existence Lord Hailes says there is no proof, and who must in any case have d. s.p. before the deed of Feb 1455/6, tho' he is confused in Gordon's "Jlisl. Suth." with Alexander Sutherland, of Dunbeatb, whose da., Marjory, was Countess of Caithness [-S-l ( d J See p. 341, note " a." (°) Alexander Sutherland, a bastard brother, renounced all claim thereto 25 July 1509.