Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/345

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SUTHERLAND. •343 Adam Gordon, of Ab->yne, 2d *. "f nwrjp, 2d Eaiii, os IIustly I S.1, by thu l*idy Aoinabella StewaBT, da. of James I [s.j, m.the above named (,'< tram Wore 1509, He and bin elder br.,ihe Karl of Hnntlyfi&j "wived themselves byffight' , (») at the battle nf Flodden, !l Sep, I51& In charters. 5 Sep. 1516, 25 .March 1525. &e., as ■Aso in tli.- royal grant of 1 Dee. 1-527, below mentioned, he is described us HAUL OK SUTHKKLA ND [S. ], beiug tenant, y ', ( r< uxom, of that honour. II- and his said wife; 1 ') resigned the Earldom. !• Nov. 1527, in favour of Alexander, their s. and h. an and his heirs, reserving the life rent therein for the lives of both of thein and for the longer liver of the two. and received 1 Dee. 1527, a royal itnc-td'tinux thereof accordingly. The sue. jure Countess, who was "full of spirits and witt, of good judgment and great modesty,"!") (/. Sep. 153S, at Aboyne, and was bur. there. The Karl d. at Ferrack iu Aboyne, 17 March 1 ">i!7, and was bur. with her. [Alexander Gordon, Master of Sutherland, 1st p. and h. ap., was itifeotl'ed iu the Earldom (in reversion) 20 Dee. 1537, under the nunitt<tiiinx atsd., and took eu biuiBelf the government thereof, lie m. about 1 r> "J I . Jonet, 1st da. of John (STEWART), 2d Haul, ok AtiU'I.i. [S.J He </. v p. in the Bower <>f his youth, at Donrobin, 15 Jan. 1529, and was liar, at Dornoch. His widow m. (secondly) before 15 .May 1512, Sir Hugh Kennedy, of Uirviutnains ; she in. (thirdly) us his 3d wile, before 5 June 1545. Henry (STKWART), 1st Loud Mkthvi-.n [S.], who (/.about 1555. She m. fourthly (contracts April 1557), Patrick (ROTSvwr) 3d Loud Kituven [S.], who & 13 June "l55o, aged about 46.< C )J XI. 1537. 11. John (Gordon), Haul of Sutiiehi.and [S."|, grand- son ami b, being 1st s. and b. of Alexander Cordon, Master of Sutherland, and Jonet, his wife, both abovwiaraed ; aged about 10 when he sue. his grand lather in the pet rayt [S.J 1 7 March 1537 ; Lieut, of CO. Moray ! 517 and 1548 ; accom- panied the Queen Regent [S.J to France, in Sep. 1550. where be was cr. a Knight of the Order of St. Michael; "oht dned the government of the Earldom of Koss."( u J d J uly 1555. He appears to have joined in the measure* of his cousin, the Karl of Huntly, after ttliu.-e death he, having lied to Flanders, was convicted of treason 22 April 1548, which, curing probably to his support of the Earl of Botbtvell, was rescinded 19 April 1587. He »i. firstly, after 12 Juno 1511 anil before ti Aug. 1546 (at which last date they both rectived a royal charter of the Earldom to the longest liver of them), Elizabeth, Dow. Cot'NTKsS or Mouay [S.J, only ila. ,,f Colin ( CaMPUEI.I.), 3d Eaiil of Argyll [S.J, by Jane da. of Alexander (GnHDON), 3d Earl ok Huntly [S.J She d. s.p. He in. secondly (settlement 5 April 15 IS; Helen, DOW. Countess ok EkROLL [S.J, ila. of John | Stewart), 3d F.AUl. OF Lennox, by Anne, da. of John (Stkwaiit), Karl W Athoi.l She (/. during his exile in Flanders, shortly before 1 Jan. 1564/5. He ni. thirdly, in or after 1564, Marion, Dow. Countess of Menteith [S.J, 1st da. of George (Sbton). 1th LORD SetoN [S.], by his third wife Elizabeth, da. of Jobn (Hat), Lord Hay of Yester [S.J He( u ) (aged but 41), and his said wife d. together, 23 June 1567, at Dunrobin, from the ellects of poison administered to them 5 days previously(') nud were bur. at Doruoek. («) Seep. 341, note "a." ( b ) The extent of their literary acquirements did not enable them to sign the charter of 1525, other than by touching the pen of the scribe. ( c ) See as to her, vol. v, p. 30t>, note "a," sub " llethveu." ( d ) Wood's " Douylus." (°) "He wes of a eomlie stature and proportion ; of a fair and good countenance . . . He wes so kynd and courteous towards all men, su full of myldness and affability and tit weill beloved of all good men, that be wes recommended to posteritie by the name of Good Earle John." [Cordon's " Jlist. Sulk."] ( r ) The Earl of Caithness, who had long been at feud with the Earl of Sutherland prevailed on his cousin, Isobel Sinclair, wife of Gilbert Gordon, to poison him, while staying at ber bouse at Helmsdale. She was apprehended for trial ami d. miserably "t Edinburgh, "haveiug, as wes supposed, maid herself awey, least shoe should have suHercd a just punishment for so wicked a cryme ; even at ber last gasp still eiclaiming agaiut her couseu, the Earle of Catteyues and cursing him." [Gordon's " Hint. Sulk"]