Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/420

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418 TOYVNSHKND. Grosvenor street), only da. and h. of William Duns-Oardskr, formerly Di'NN", of Chatteris House in the isle of Ely, and of Fordham abbey, co. Cambridge, by Jane, only surv. da. and b. of John Gardner, of Chatteris afsd. She. next year, S May 1S0S. finally quitted her husband's residence, tiling .1 bill against him fur mm- consummation of marriage, and going thro' the ceremony of marriage, 21 Oct. 1809, at Gretna Green, with John MaH(;ktts,(") of St. Ives, Brewer, by whom she had a large family, of whom it was declared by Act of Pari (li and 7 Vic), 1842-43, that they " are "not nor were the lawful issue of the said George Ferrari, Hamuli Townaeud.'V') The Marquess d. s.p., 31 Dec. 1836, at his villa, near Genoa, in Italy, aged 77, when the Earldom of Leicester became extinct, and the liaronies of Lie Ferrers and of Compton fell into abeyance. ( c ) Will pr. Jan. 1So7. His widow, for she hail never been divorced, m. (a few day9 after his death) 10 Jan. 1856, James Laidler. of Fentou, co. Northumberland. She d. s.p. legit., 11 Sep. 1 S5S. [John Margetts, afterwards (1S2343) Townshend styling him- self Ham. of Len ester, and finally {1843), Di'sn-Gaiidner, was b. 20 July 1811, in Hunter street afsil., and ed. (under the name of Margetts) at Westm. school. He was the 2.1 but 1st surv. R.() of the illegit. children of Sarah (formerly Sarah Dunn- Gardner, Spinster), Marchioness Townshend, by John Margetts, and was bap. 26 Dec. 1823, at St. Geo., liloomsliury (as were two of his brothers aud two of his sisters), as a child of " George Ferrars, Marquis Townshend, and Sarah Dunn-Gardner, Marchioness." He accordingly, at that date, assumed the style of EARL 01'" LEICESTER,") and, under that style, sat as M.P. for Bodmin from 1841 till, on bring declared illegit. by Act of Pari, in 1S43 (as abovestated), he dropped that designation. Having inherited, in 1S39, the estate of Chatteris aoovemeutioned. on the death of his mother's mother. Mrs. Dunn-Gardner, he took that name by royal lie. iu 1843 ; was High Sheriff of co. Cambridge in 1869. ami d, leaving issue.] Marquessate. ^ £ ami 7. JOHN (TOWNSHEND), .Mahguess JY i ToWNSMENIl OF RaYNRAM, Vl.SlOl'NT ToWNSHEND OE I ]355 RaYNHam, tc, cousin and b. male, being 2d hut 1st VisCOUIltcy, &c. f ' surv. s. and h.( r ) of the Rt Hon. Lord John Town- vttt 1 siiEND, of balls l'ark afsd , by Georgiana Anne, da. of J William I'ovntz, of Midgham, co. Berks, which John (who d. 28 Ki ll. 1838, aged 761 was next br. (of the whole blood) to the 2d Marquess. He was 6. at Ralls Park, 28 March and lap. 2 July 1798, at All Saints, Hertford ; ed. at Kton and at the Naval Coll., Portsmouth; joined the Navy, becoming eventually, I S.",6. Rear Admiral on the reserved list, having been Naval Aide-de-Camp to tjueen Victoria, 1864. He was M.P. for Tavnwovth, 1847-55, and sac. to the pen-aye, 31 Dec. 1855. He m., 18 Aug. 1825, at St. Pancras, co. Midx., Elizabeth Jane. 1st da. of Rear Admiral Lord George Sti'aiit, ( il ) Mr. Margetts d. 24 June 1S42. iu Hunter street, St. Pancras. co. Midx.. and was lur. at St, Ives. ( b ) See vol. i, page 21 1, note " c," sub " Aylesford " for other overruling.? of the old legal doctrine of " Pater est quern nuptira demonstraut." (°) See vol. iii, p. 336, note " a," as to the coheirs of these Baronies. ( d ) His elder br., George Margetts, 6. at Finchley, co. Midx., 14 Jan. 1810 ; (i. an infant between April and Nov. in the same vear. His mother speaks of him (ill her answer to a bill in Chanceiy in 1834) "as "the Kt. Hon. George Townshend, commonly called Earl of Leicester." In that year, however, her husband had not sue. to the peerage and was himself the (by courtesy) Earl of Leicester. The mother of these children, who, from 1S09 to 1823, had called herself "Mrs. Margetts." assumed, in 1823, the appellation of "Marchioness Townshend," to which as the (uudivorced) wife of the M arquess sin* was douhtless entitled. This stjle she also continued to bear (after her second and legal marriage in 1856) till her death. 0 His elder br., Charles Fox Townshend, b. 28 June 1795 ; d. unm. and v.p., 2 April 1817, in his 22d year.