Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/421

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TOWNSHEXD — TRACY. 419 C.B. fyr. s. of Jolin, 1st Marquess of Bent), by .Time, da, of Major Gen. James Stewart. He d. 10 Sep. 1863, at Ravnham. ami was oar. ther- aged 65 His widow, who was 6. 18 July 1S03, 27 Jan. 1867,, at 3 Queen Aune street, aged' 63. Marquessate. V. Viscountcy, &c. VIII. 5 mid ,$. Joii.v Yiu.iers Stuart (Toiyx- 1SC3. SHENI> ToWNSHEND OF Katnham [1787], VlSCOBKI Towxmiend OP Rayxham [1032], and Baron Townmikxo OP I.Yxx RKOIS [1661], also a Baronet [liil7], 1st and only surv. s.and h. ; b. at Brighton, 10 April 1S31 ; ed. at Eton ; Clerk in the Foreign Office, 1850-54; styled Viscount Ratnham, 1856-63; MP. for Tamworth, 1S56-63 : F.S.A., 2 June 1S59; sue. to the peerage, as above 10 Sep. 1863 ! High Steward of Tamworth. He m. 17 Oct. 1865, Anne Elizabeth Clementina. sisUr of Alexander William George, 1st Duke OP Fife, 1st da. of James (Huff), 5th Eari. Fife [1.1, by Agnes Georgians Elizabeth, da. of George (HayI, Earl of Ehroix [S.] She was A. 14 Aug. 1847. [.IonN-J.MES-UuDI.EY-fiTUART TOWNSHESD, only s. and h. ap. ; 16 Oct. 1S66, at 39 Dover at Ch. Ch., Oxford.] Rayxham, Geo., Han. sq. ; ed. at Family Estates.— These, in 18S3, consisted of 18,343 acres in Norfolk ; 1,565 in Herts, and 2 in Warwickshire. 7utal, 19.910 acres, worth £22,560 > year, exclusive of tithes and shooting rents valued at about i'4,000. Principal Scats— Raynham Hall, near Fakeuhaiu, co. Norfolk, and Balls Park, near Hertford, Herts. TOW TON. See "IIawke of Towton, co. York," Barony (Huvke); cr. 1776. TR ACTON. 1. James Dennis, of Tiftcton Abbey, co. Cork, s. of John Dennis, of that county, by Anne, da. of ( — ) Buli.en, having Weil called to t!ie Bar at Dublin, became 3d Serjeant at Law [I.], 1761-67 ; .second Serjeant [LJ 1787*74 S l'riine Serjeant [I.], 1774-77 ; Ch. Baron of the Exchequer [I.], 23 July 1777, to his death in, or shortly before, July 1782, and mmer., 1 J.-m.l 7x1, BARON TR.U.'TO.V of Tracton Abbey, co. Cork [1.] He m., but d. s.p. i-uddenly, in 1782, when the title became extiuct.{») His wife, to whom he bequeathed an annual jointure of £1.800, survived him. Barony [I ] I. 1781, to 1782. Viscountcy and Barony [I.] I. 1GI3. 1. TRACY OF RATIICOOLE. Sin John Tracy, of TotMinglon, co. Gloucester, s. and h. of Sir John Tracy of the same, by Aune, da. of Sir Thomas Throckmorton, of Tortworth in that county, sue. his father, 25 Sep. 1591 J was knighted 23 July 1603. at Whitehall; Sheriff of co. Glouc, 1609, ami (by reason of his "most eminent virtue "( u ) and the "splendour of his descent," being "a man of that description who should properly be admitted into the number of nobility") was cr. (at the age of 72 or more), 12 Jan. 1612/3 (by a patent, which was "to remain without end at (») His only sister, Frances, m. Thomas Swift, of I.ynu, co. Westmeath, and had (i) Rev. Meade Swift, who was heir at law to Lord Tracton, ami who inherited his estates in co. Kerry ; (2) John Swift, who inherited those in co. Cork and co. Dublin ; each being required" to take the name and arms of Dennis. ( b ) " A translation of the olliee copy of the patent " taken " from the original record remaining in the chapel of the Rolls," London, is given ill the " claim of James Tracy," in 1836, to this Viscountcy, and another copy (in the orig. language) is in Ilia claim, in 1812. The patent is enrolled. See " Creations, 14S3—164G," in ap. 47th Rep., D.K. Rub. Records. 2 D 2