Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/112

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94 DAUBENEY d'Aubign^, of Ingleby,(") by Mahet or Maud, da. and h. of William DE MoNTSoREL, ScIgncur de Landal-C") He was a minor, I2 Oct. I229.(<=) Was nephewandh.of Philipd'Aubigne(who^. j./).,inthe Holy Land, 1236, and was bur. there),('^) of South Petherton, Barrington, and Chillington, Somerset, sometime Warden of the Channel Islands, who gave him Petherton, of which he had livery, having done homage, 7 Dec. 1 234.('=) He was not yet a knight, 1 5 Aug. i I'Sfl-i^) Was with the King in Gascony in 1253. ("=) In 1276 he quitclaimed to the King, for 100 marks, all his rights in the honour of Monmouth. (') He was on the King's service in Wales in 1277 and in 1282.(6) He was sum. for Military Service, 14 Mar. (1282/3) 11 Edw. I, and to attend the King at Shrewsbury, 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. I, by writs directed Radulfo de A!bimaco.(^) He w. Isabel. He d'. shortly before 25 Jan. i29i/2.(') His widow was living 4 Aug. I294.(^) 2. Sir Philip d'Aubeney, of South Ingleby, South Petherton, Barrington, i^'c, Seigneur de Landal, s. and h. He was sum. for Military (^) His lands in England were taken into the King's hand, and in 1206 William d'Aubeney [of Belvoir] obtained the custody of Ingleby, which was of William's fee. {Fine Roll, 7 Joh., m. 5: Close Roll, m. i). On 17 Apr. 1 227 Philip d'Aubeney was ordered to give to Maud, widow of his br. Ralph, her dower in Ingleby. {Close Roll, II Hen. Ill, m. 13). C") Ralph d'Aubien^ confirmed to the Abbey of La Vieuville all that " Guillelmus de Montsorel pater uxoris mee antequam filiam ejus haberem uxorem dederat de terra sua de Villa Alent . . . volente et annuente Mahet uxore mea per quam terram possidebam." Mahet afterwards m. John Paynel, a Norman, and in 1228, "Ego Matildis domina de Landal vidua post decessum nobilis viri Joannis de Paganello mariti mei " made a donation to God and the blessed Virgin Mary of Tronchet. (Du Paz, Plusieurs Maisons illustres de Bretagne, h, pp. 452, 455). (<=) Patent Rolls, 13 Hen. Ill, ;?!. 2; 37 Hen. Ill, m. 1 1 d: Close Roll, 19 Hen. Ill, m.22: Charter Roll, 16 Hen. Ill, w. 19. i^) M. Paris, vol. iii, p. 373. Philip was given in marriage, in I200-I, the widow of William de Buketot. {Norman Roll, 2 Joh., Oblations, m. 3 d). (e) " MCCXLVII ... in festo Assumpcionis beate Marie . . . Radulphus de Albigneio dominus de Landal qui tunc non erat miles presentavit [Comiti Britannic] pro se et domino Episcopo [Dolense] duos milites." (Du Paz, b, p. 455: Dom Morice, Preuves, vol. i, c. 931). He is called valettus in 1242/3. {Assi7.e Roll, no. 756, m. 25). (') Release dated in the Pari, at Westm. 7 May, quitclaim dated Saturday before St. Dunstan [16 May], 4 Edw. I. {Close Roll, 4 Edw. I, m. 13 d: Patent Roll, 8 Edw. I, m. 28). («) Pari. Writs, vol. i, p. 210: Welsh Roll, lo Edw. I, m. 6 d. 1^) As to the writ of 1283, see Preface. (') "Radulfus de Albiniaco." Writ oi diem cl. ext. 25 Jan. 20 Edw. I. Inq., Somerset, Wednesday before the Purification [30 Jan.] 1291/2. "Dominus Philippus de Albaniaco filius predicti Radulfi est propinquior heres ejusdem Radulfi qui nunc est de etate qua^raginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 61, no. 23). (J) Inq. of that date. See note " e " on next page.