Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/111

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DARTREY 93 BARON DARTREY, of Dartrey, co. Monaghan. K.P. 22 Feb. 1855. He was a Lord in Waiting 1857-58 and 1859-66. On 12 July 1866, he was cr. EARL OF DARTREY. Lord Lieut, of co. Monaghan 1871-97. He m. (spec, lie), 12 July 1841, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Augusta, 2nd da. of Edward Stanley, of Cross Hall, co. Lancaster, by Mary, da. of James (Maitland), 8th Earl of Lauderdale [S.]. She, who was b. 10 June 1823, d. 9 Aug. 1887, at 30 Curzon Str., Mayfliir, and was bur. at Dartrey, aged 64. Will pr. 2 Sep. 1887, over ^6,600. He </. 12 May 1897, at 23 Eaton Sq., Midx., and was bur. at Dartrey, aged 79. Will pr. at ;{:245,886 [E. and I.].(0 n. 1897. 2. Vesey (Dawson), Earl of Dartrey [1866], and Baron Dartrey [i 847], also Baron Cremorne of Castle Dawson [L 1797], ist s. and h.; b. 22 Apr. 1842, in Hanover Sq., Midx.; styled Lord Cremorne 1866-97; ed. at Eton; sometime Lieut. Col. Cold- stream Guards, retiring in 1876; M.P. (Liberal) for co. Monaghan 1865- 68,() and High Sheriff thereof 1878. He established his right to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [I.] 6 July 1897. He m., 29 Aug. 1882, at St. Michael's, Coxwold, Julia Georgiana Sarah, ist da. of Sir George Orby Wombwell, 4th Bart., by Julia Sarah Alice, da. of George Augustus Frederic (Villiers), 6th Earl of Jersey. She was b. 18 June 1862, at 13 Lowndes Sq.('=) Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 17,732 acres in co. Monaghan, 8,918 in co. Waterford, 1,665 i" ^o- Armagh, 1,792 in co. Louth, besides 5 (worth £,%^ a year) in Devon. Total, 30,112 acres, worth ;^2 1 ,699 a year. Principal Residence. — Dartrey House, near Cootehill, CO. Monaghan. DAUBENEYC^) I. Sir Ralph d'Aubigne, or d'Aubeney,^) of South Ingleby, co. Lincoln, Seigneur de Landal in Brittany, yr. br. and h. of Philip d'Aubigne, of Ingleby (who d. before 20 Dec. I2 24),(^ and s. of Ralph (^) " A model landlord and country gentleman, as also one of the best amateur chess players." [Morning Post, 14 May 1897). V.G. C") He became a Unionist in I 886, and voted against the Budget of I 909. V.G. (<=) Their only s., Richard George Dawson,/-. 14 Nov. 1890, (/. 30 July 1894. V.G. (-J) This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. if) The undifFerenced arms of this family were, Gules, a fesse fusilly, or 4 fusils conjoined in fesse, Ardent. Aubigne is in the bishopric of Rennes, Landal in that of Del. («) Patent Rolls, 5 Hen. Ill, m. 4; 9 Hen. Ill, m. 6; 11 Hen. Ill, m. 9: Close Roll, 9 Hen. Ill, p.