Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/120

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I02 DAUBENEY 9. William Daubeney, of South Ingleby, South Petherton, (si'c., s. and h., by ist wife, k 1 1 June 1424. The King took his fealty and he had livery of his father's lands, 19 Feb. 1445/6, his homage being respited.(") Knight of the Shire for Beds, 1448/9. Sheriff of Cornwall, 1452-53. He m. Alice, 3rd da. and coh. of John Stourton, of Preston Plucknett, Somerset,() by his 3rd wife, Katherine, da. and h. of Thomas Payne, of Paynshay, Devon. ('^) He /y. 2 Jan. 1460/ !,() aged 36. His widow, who was aged 7 and more in Oct. 1439,0 "'■ Robert Hill, ot Houndston, Somer- set, and Talaton, Devon, who d. 8 Sep. 1493,0 and was iur. in Dunster Church, Somerset.(«) Will dat. i Aug. 1490, pr. (no date) at Lambeth. C") BARONY. 10 and i. Sir Giles Daubeney, of South Ingleby, I T o^ South Petherton, fsfc, s. and h., k i June 1451 or (more probably) 1452. He had licence of entry on his father's lands, saving to the King homage and fealty, 25 Aug. 1473. C) Sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, 1474-75 and 1480-81. Being (») Fine Roll, 24 Hen. VI, m. 13. C") Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. i, p. 313. (') Sir William Pole, Devon Co/lections, p. 127. (<i) " Willelmus Dawebeney armiger." Writs of diem c . ext. J Apr. [and 4 July — Fine Roll, w. 41] I Edw. IV. Inq., cos. Somerset, Lincoln, Beds, Monday 22 June, 19, 26 Oct. 1 46 1. " Et dicunt quod Willelmus Daubeney obiit secundo die Januarii ultimo preterito ... Et . . . quod Egidius Daubeney est filiusetheresejusdem Willelmi propinquior et fuit etatis prime die Junii ultimo preterito . . . decem [novem — co. Some/set] annorum." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. IV, file 6, no. 58: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 207, no. 4). C) "Johannes Stourton' de Preston'." Writ of diem cl. ext. 13 Mar. 17 Hen. VI. Inq., Somerset, Friday after St. Luke [23 Oct.] 1439. "Set dicunt quod dictus Johannes Stourton' . . . obiit die Martis proximo ante festum sancti Thome Apostoli anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum decimo septimo Et quod Cecilia uxor Thome Curiell' militis Johanna uxor Johannis Sydenham armigeri et Alicia Stourton' sunt filie et coheredes dicti Johannis Stourton' propin- quiores Et quod eadem Cecilia est etatis triginta et quatuor annorum et amplius et quod predicta Johanna est etatis viginti et unius annorum et amplius et quod dicta Alicia est etatis septem annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 90, no. 6). (') "Robertas Hill' armiger." Writs of diem ci. ext. 19 Sep. 9 Hen. VII (Fine Roll, m. i). Inq., Somerset, Devon, Monday 30 Sep., 6 Nov. 1493. " Et . . . quod predictus Robertus Hill' obiit octavo die Septembris anno regni predict! domini Regis Henrici septimi nono Et quod Egidius Hill' est filius et heres ejus propinquior et est etatis viginti quatuor annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 9, no. 54; vol. 23, no. lo). (8) f^isitation of Somerset in 1591, Harl. MSS., no. 1559, f. 235. His arms, impaling Stourton with a mullet for difference, were formerly depicted in that Church. (^) P.C.C., 3 Vox, f. 21. "Robertus Hyll' de Brudeport generosus . . . corpusque meum sacre sepulture ad placitum dei ubicunque sibi placuerit." The contents of the will identifies the testator with the subject of the Inq. next above. (') Patent Roll, 13 Edw. IV, p. l,m. 6.