Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/121

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DAUBENEY 103 about to go over sea with the King on his service, he had hcence to enfeoff feoffees of his lands, without payment of a fine, 7 June 1475. (') Under- sheriff of Cornwall, 1476-77. Appointed Keeper of the Forest of Petherton, for life, 12 July and 26 Sep. 1477, being then an Esquire of the Body.(^) Knight of the Shire for Somerset, 1477. Knighted by the King, 18 Jan. 1477/8. A Knight of the Body, Mar. i479/8o.(*) Sheriff of Devon, 1481-82. Appointed Constable of the Castle of Bridgwater and Steward of the Lordship, by the King's mother. Cicely, Duchess of York, 17 Feb. 1482/3, for life-C*) After the accession of Richard III, he joined the Duke of Buckingham's insurrection in Oct. 1483, was attainted of hicrh treason in (1483/4) i Ric. 111,0 ^""^ his lands were granted away:^) he had escaped "over the see." He returned with the Earl of Richmond in 1485. Was appointed Steward of the Lordships of the Duchy of Lancaster in Hants and Dorset, 10 Oct.,(^) Master of the King's harthounds, Keeper of the Forests of Kingswood and Fulwood, and Constable of the Castle of Bristol, 12 Oct.,(') and joint Master of the Mint, 2 Nov. I485,(«) all for life. Restored in Pari, in (1485) i Hen. VII. C') Appointed Lieut, of the Town and Castle of Calais, the Tower of Risbank (in Calais harbour), and the Castle of Guines, 7 Mar. i485/6.(') On 12 Mar. 1485/6 he was cr. BARON DAUBENEY.(') Appointed an Ambassador to the King of the Romans, 15 Dec. I486.() K.G. before 27 May 1487. Appointed a Chamberlain of the Receipt of the Exchequer, 29 Dec. 1487, for life.(') When Lieut, of Calais he invaded Flanders, if) Patent Rolls, 15 Edw. IV, />. 2, w. 19; 17 Edw. IV, p. 1, m. 3, p. 2, m. 23; 19 Edw. IV, m. 7. (•") Appointment confirmed by the King, 20 Feb. {Patent Rol,, 22 Edw. IV, p. 2, m. 14). (■=) Pari. Rolls, vol. vi, p. 246. In the Act of Attainder, he, with many others, is described as having, on 18 Oct. 1483, at Salisbury, imagined and compassed the death of the King, "and caused to be assembled great nowmber of people harnessed in manner of werre, and levied werre," ^c. (^) The manors of Ingleby, Saxilby, and Broxholme, co. Lincoln, Harrington and South Petherton, Somerset, Fawton and Lanteglos, Cornwall, &c. {Patent Rolls, I Ric. Ill, p. 3, m. 2, p. 4, m. 2$; 2 Ric. Ill, />. 1, m. 12, p. 3, m. 20). {') Duchy of Lancaster, Misc. Books, vol. 21, f. 187. (f) Ch. Privy Seals, II, file 2, nos. 20, 18, 19 (13 Sep.): Patent Rolls, i Hen. VII, /. 4, w. 7 or 18; /. 2, mm. 25, 24, or I, 2. (5) To him and Bartholomew Reed of London goldsmith, in survivorship. (Ch. Privy Seals, II, file I (31 Aug.): Patent Roll, 1 Hen. VII, />. i, ;;:. 9 or 27). Indenture, 4 Nov. 1485. {Idem, p. 2, mm. 16, 15, or 10, 11). (^) Pari. Rolls, vol. vi, p. 273. (*) Ch. Privy Seals, II, file 8, no. 35 (3 Mar.): French Roll, I Hen. VII, w. 1 1 or 5. (i) Ch. Privy Seals, II, file 8, no. 89: Charter RoL, i Hen. VII, m. 19 or 2. This appears to be the last of the 16 Baronies which were granted by patent before the reign of Henry VIII, for a list of which see vol. vii. Appendix A. C) French Roll, 2 Hen. VII, m. 13 or 6. (') Ch. Privy Seals,ll, Be 23(20 Dec): Patent Roll, 2 Hen. VII, <>. i,m. 8or 19.