Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/122

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I04 DAUBENEY and won a battle at Dixmude, 13 June 1489.P Was appointed an Ambassador to France, 12 June Hga-C") Appointed joint Constable of Windsor Castle, 28 Mar. i492/3,() and joint Warden and Justice in Eyre of all the King's forests South of Trent, 24 Nov. 1493, all for life.C) Lord Chamberlain of the King's Household, 1495 till his death. With an army assembled to invade Scotland, he dispersed the Cornish men at Black- heath, 17 June 1497.0 Was appointed Constable of the Castles of Bridgwater and Berkhamstead, Steward of the Lordships of Bridgwater, Berkhamstead, King's Langley, and Gillingham, of all the lands in Somerset and Dorset late of Elizabeth, Queen Consort, and Keeper of the Forests of Exmoor, Neroche, Mendip, and Gillingham, 2 Apr. 1 504, all for life.(') He w., before 17 Sep. 1483,(6) Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Arundelle, of Lanherne, Cornwall, by his 2nd wife, Katherine, elder da. andcoh. of Sir John Chidiok, of Chideock and Buckham, Dorset, ^cQ") He d'. in London 2i,(') was taken by water to Westm. 26, and bur. in the Abbey 27 May 1 508. (') Will (^) Chron. of Calais, p. 2. " At the whiche feeld my said Lord Dawbeney leeftenaunt of Caleys lept downe of his horse and went a fote . . . And there my lord waded thorough the diches vnto the arme pittes and all his Feh'sship w* hym." [Chron. of London, edit. Kingsford, p. 279). (•>) Ch. Privy Seals, II,1file 94, no. 35: French Roll, 7 Hen. VII, m. 6 or 23. if) To him and Thomas Bourghchier kt., in survivorship. [Patent Roll, 8 Hen. VII, p. 2, m. 14 or 8). [^) To him and Reynold Bray kt., in survivorship. (Ch. Privy Seals, II, file 114, no. 25: Patent Roll, 9 Hen. VII, m. 29 or 8). [") Chron. of the Grey Friars, p. 25: Chron. of London, p. 214. (f) Ch. Privy Seals,,iAt 256, no. 84 (30 Mar.): Patent Roll, 19 Hen. VII, />. i, m. 18 or 23. (8) In the Inq. taken, co. Cornwall, 28 Mar. 1509, it is stated that, by charter dated 20 Aug. i Ric. Ill, he had conveyed some manors in this co. to feolFees, who, by charter dated 17 Sep. I Ric. Ill, had granted the premises to him and Elizabeth adtunc iixori ejus, and that predicta EHzabetha eum supervixit et adhuc superstes est. Elizabeth is mentioned as living in the Inq. taken 18 Feb. 1509/ 10. C") Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. i, pp. 304, 306: Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Katherine, late the wife of John Chidyok kt.), Edw. IV, file 2, no. 26. See FitzPayne. (') "Egidius Daubeney de Daubeney [or Dawbeney de Dawbeney] miles." Writ o^ diem cl. ext. 1 3 No'. 24 Hen. VII, and writs of mandamus I 7 Oct. and 1 Mar. I Hen. VIII. Inq., cos. Cornwall (2), Lincoln, Gloucester (co. and town), Somerset, Beds, Dorset, Wilts, Devon, 28 Mar. 1509, 18 Feb. 1509/10, 26, 28, 30 Mar., 12, 26 Apr., I, 4, II June 15 10. ". . . predictus Egidius obiit vicesimo primo die Maii anno regni Regis Henrici septimi vicesimo tercio." The date is wrongly given as 23 May in the second Cornwall Inq., and as 1 9 May in the Devon Inq. Heir, Henry, his son (styled miles in the second Inq., and in nearly all the later ones) said to be 14 and more in the first Inq., 16 in the second, and 16 and more in the others, except in the Somerset Inq., where he is said to be 18 and more. (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 22, no. 47; vol. 24, nos. 9, 90, 54; vol. 25, nos. 50, 22, 156, 138, 5, 128: Exch. Inq. p. m., II, file 6, no. 8; file 898, nos. 5, 6; file 962, no. 4; file 149, no. 6). (J) A long description of the circumstances attending his death, l3c., is given by Bernard Andr^, Annates, pp. 1 16- II 9, where it is stated that he died "nocte vicesima prima Maii," and that he was " vir bonus, prudens, Justus, probus, et omnibus