Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/149

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DEIVILLE 131 Notts, Adlingfleef, Kilburn, and Thornton, co. York, s. and h. of Sir Robert de Daiville (living in June I242),(^) of Egmanton, ^c, by Dionis or Denise, da. of Sir Thomas fitz William, of Sprotborough, CO. Yorlc.() He was appointed Chief Justice and Keeper of the King's forests North of Trent for 3 years from Easter I257,(') and again, tor 2 years from Easter i2 6o:('=) ordered to surrender his office, 13 June I26i.(') Appointed, by the counsel of the magnates. Constable of York Castle, 18 July, and Keeper of the forests North of Trent, 20 July I263.() He was ordered to give up Y'ork Castle, 16 Dec. I2 63,() but he still held It by force, i Mar. following.() Had licence to crenellate Hood Grange in Kilburn, 20 Aug. 1264. (') Appointed, by the counsel of the barons, Constable of Scarborough Castle, 6 Sep. I2 64.('^) Was one of those prohibited, 16 Feb. 1264/5, ^'^°^ attending the tournament at Dunstable, and ordered to attend a Council on 19 Feb. following.('^) He was not present at the battle of Evesham. (<') After the death of Simon de Montfort he became one of the most active leaders of the disinherited barons. With the younger Simon, he occupied the Isle of Axholme in the autumn ot 1265: they were not dislodged for some months. () He was accident- ally absent from the action at Chesterfield, 15 May 1266, being out hunting.() Escaping on this occasion, he became the leader of or iff DavidvUla. {Idfrn, vol. vi, p. lOi: U'hith Cartulary, pp. 78, 204, 226). The latter form occurs in the Pipe Roll of 31 Hen. I. The very numerous place-names in Normandy ending in vilU have usually the name of the early settler as a prefix, often little changed, as in Tancarville, Etouteville, Omonville, Benoitville, Lamberville, Normanville, or now disguised, as in Bellenereville (Berenger), Amfrirville (Humphrey), Psalmonville (Salomon),^Rauville (Ralph), Tourville (Torf), iifc. There is a Deville, written D/ivilla in documents of the 13th century, near Rouen. (») Closi Roll, 26 Hen. Ill, p. 3, m. 2 d. Robert was s. and h. of John de Daiville (who was living in July 1228, and m. a da. of Josceline de Louvain, by Agnes de Percy). [Patent Roll, 12 Hen. Ill, w. 3 d: Penj Cartulary, no. 14). John was s. and h. of Robert (by Julian, his wife, living in Aug. 1 202), who was s. (or grandson) and h. of Robert de Daiville, to whom, as amico suo speciali, Nele d'Aubigny gave the vill of Egmanton. [Feet of Fines, case 261, file 4, no. 85: Monasticon, vol. v, p. 346, vol. vi, p. 320). (•») Thomas fitz William, Lord of Sprotborough, granted lands in Barnborough, Darfield, ^c, to his da. Dionis (widow of Robert Dey vile), who gave Darfield to Adam her son. Adam d. s.p., being murdered, in or before 1282; John d'Eyville was his br. and h. (Hunter, South Yorkshire, vol. i, p. 372, vol. ii, p. 106: Coram Rege, Easter, loEdw. I, m. 2: De Banco, Hilary, 30 Edw. I, m. 173: rar-f i?f^., Wickwane, p. 331). Dionis was married to Robert in or before 1229. [Close Roll, 13 Hen. Ill, m. 3 d). ("=) Patent Rolls, 41 Hen. Ill, m. lO; 44 Hen. Ill, p. i, m. lO; 45 Hen. Ill, m. 10; 47 Hen. Ill, p. I, mm. 5, 4; 48 Hen. Ill, p. l, mm. 19, 5, 4, p. 2, m. I; 49 Hen. Ill, m. 23. C) Annales London., p. 73: Annales de Dunstaplia, pp. 239-241 : Wykes, p. I 80: Patent Roll, 50 Hen. Ill, m. 34: Chron. Maiorum et Vicecomitum London., p. 87: Hemingburgh, vol. i, p. 326. Cf. Robert of Gloucester, vol. ii, p. 770.