Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/173

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DE LA WARR 155 34 Hen. VI to 19 Aug. (1472) 12 Edw. IV, by writs directed RuarJo M'^e SI {or fi^este) militi (or chivaUr). On 19 Dec. 1459 he received a grant of

^40 a year for life, for his services against the Yorkist rebels. (') Had licence

to travel abroad for 3 years, i July I463.() Obtained a general pardon for all offences committed before 7 Oct. last, 15 Oct. 147 1.() He w., before 10 June i45i,(') Katherine, da. of Sir Robert Hungerford, some- times called Lord Hlngerford, of Heytesbury, Wilts, by Margaret, da. and h. of Sir William Botreaux, sometimes called Lord Botrealx, of Boscastle, Cornwall. C) He d. 10 Mar. 1475/6,0 aged 45. His widow d. 12 May 1493.(0 Vin. 1476. 8. Thomas (West), Lord la Warre, and Lord W^EST, s. and h., aged 19 and more at his father's death. He obtained special livery of his lands, i Sep. 1476, having served, 2 years previously, in the expedition to France. Knighted by the King, 18 Jan. 1477/8. He was sum. to Parl.(s) from 15 Nov. (1482) (») Patent Rolls, 38 Hen. VI, p. 2, ot. 22; 1 1 Edw. IV, p. I, m. 9. {) With 1 2 servants or less, and as many horses, none of which were to be worth more than 40s. apiece. [French Roll, 3 Edw. IV, m. 1 3). if) Indult to Richard West, Baron and Lord la Warre, and Katherine liis wife, dated iv id. Jun. 5 Nicholas V [10 June 145 i]. {Papal Letters, vol. x, p. 524). In the pedigree of Percy, by Bishop Percy {Collins, edit. 1779, vol. ii, p. 373), it is stated that Eleanor, 1st da. of Henry, Earl of Northumberland, is mentioned in her father's will, dated I Nov. 36 Hen. VI, as unmarried, and that she afterwards m. Reynold West, Lord la Warre. This, and Blore's statement {Rutland, p. 100) that the same Eleanor was wife of Richard, Lord la Warre, are both obviously erroneous. C^) "Kateryne Lady la Warre" is mentioned in the will, dated 8 Aug. 1476, of "Margarete Lady Hungerford and Botreaux," as "myne owne doughter." («) "Ricardus West de la Warre miles." Writs of diem cl. ext. 2 Apr., 26 May, and 28 June 16 Edw. IV. Inq., Somerset, Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Devon, Herts, 28, 30 Sep., 20, 20, 22, and 26 Oct. 1476. " Dicunt eciam ... quod predictus Ricardus West [miles — co. JFilts: dominus de la Warr' miles — co. Hants] obiit decimo die Marcii anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti sextodecimo Et quod Thomas West armiger est filius et heres propinquior ejusdem Ricardi West et est etatis dccem et no em annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. IV, file 57, no. 62). (') " Katerina West vidua nuper uxor Ricardi West nuper domini la Warr'." Writs of diem cl. ext. 20 and 21 Nov. 9 Hen. VII. {fine Roll, w. 2). Inq., Hant^, Wilts, 3, 3 Nov. 1494. "Et quod eadem Katerina obiit duodecimo die Maii anno nono [decimo — co. IVilts: I. octavo] regni nunc Et quod predictus Thomas West [dominus la Warr' — co. IFilts'] filius predictorum Ricardi et Katerine est ejus filius et heres pro- pinquior et est etatis triginta duorum annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 10, nos. 98, 99: Exch. Inq. p. m., II, file 959, nos. 4, 9). (6) The writs from 22 Edw. IV to I Hen. VIII were erroneously directed Ricardo JVest chivaler, Ricardo West militi, or Ricardo West de la IVarre chivaler. In I Hen. VIII the error was corrected. There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting.