Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/175

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DE LA WARR 157 house of Offington, 25 Sep., and was bur. 10 Oct. 1554, at Broadwater.(*) Inq. p. m. 6 June I555.() Will (confirming the will of his late wife) dat. 5 Sep. 1554 I and 2 Ph. Cs? Mar., pr. in London before the Dean and Chapter of the Metrop. Church, 12 Nov. I554.('=) On his death the Baronies of La Warre and West fell into abeyance between the daughters and coheirs of Sir Owen West (who J. Oct. 1551), his next br., but of the half blood.C^) (») In 1536, at the time of the dissolution of the monasteries, he wrote pleading that Boxgrave Priory, Sussex, which he had founded, might be spared, as the parish church was under its roof, and he had made there "a poor chapel to be buried in;" if the Priory was suppressed he begged to have the farm. {Letters and Papen, Hen. VIII, vol. x, p. 216). An epitaph composed for him by his friend. Lord Morley, is printed in Collins, vol. v, p. 15. V.G. His coheirs of the whole blood were as under: Thomas, Lord de la Eleanor. = Sir Edward Guilford. Dorothy.r=Sir Henry Owe Warre: d. 1554. I I I (l) Joan, Duchess of North- Eliza-= Nicholas (3) Mary: = John (4) Anne: = J.iniej Dering. aged 38 in Warnet. aged 36 in Gage. 1554- '554- umberland: aged 50 and more beth. in 1554. (2) Thomas: aged 24 in 1554. (•>) J. H. Round states that the Inq. p. m. gives the date of the will (which is rich in genealogical information) as 6 Sep. 1554, states his coheirs to be the heirs of his two sisters of the whole blood, records the entail of the lands in strict tail male, and dates the disinheriting Act exactly as it is dated in the Lords' Journals. As Sir Owen West and his issue male stood next in the entail, he was clearly legitimate, and testator calls him his brother, and Sir Owen's wife his "sister." V.G. (<=) P.C.C., 12 and 13 More. "Sir Thomas West knight of the noble order of the garter and Lorde Lawarr' . . . my bodye shalbe buryed . . . within the parishe churche of Brodewater in a power Remembraunce that I have made there in the southe side of the saide churche." V.G. ("*) These were (i) Mary, (2) Anne, of whom Mary became eventually the sole heir. Mary m., istly, Sir Adrian Poynings, and 2ndly, Sir Richard Rogers. By Poynings she had 3 daughters and coheirs, (i) Elizabeth, (2) Anne, and (3) Mary. Sir H. Nicolas observes that "The Barony of la Warr, as well as that of West, created by the writ of summons to Thomas West, must be considered to be vested in the descendants and representatives of the said Mary. It is a singular fact that, in the proceedings on this Barony, temp. Elizabeth, no reference is made to this Mary nor to her descendants; and the last report of the Committee of the House of Lords on the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm is also silent on the subject of the issue of the said Mary, who left three daughters, and whose descendants still exist." J. H. Round observes that her M.I. in Odiham Church runs thus—" Mary late wyfFe of Edward More eldest [sic' daughter and coheire of Sir Adrian Poyninges, knight, and brother to Thomas last Lord Poyninges, and of Mary wyffe of the said Sir Adrian and daughter and sole heir of Sir Owen West knight etc. She died i 591— ' {I'. C. //., Hampshire, vol. iv, p. 97) and that on the altar tomb of Sir Owen West at Wherwell (with