Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/278

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26o DESPENSER Had respite of knighthood, ii July I244.(') On 7 Nov. 1255 he was appointed Constable of Horston Castle for five years from the preceding Michaelmas. (*>) In Apr. 1257 he accompanied Richard, Earl of Corn- wall, to Aachen, for the latter's coronation, on 17 May, as King of the Romans.C") At the Pari, of Oxford, in June 1258, he was one of the twelve elected by the Barons to redress grievances, and also one of the twelve elected to treat with the King's Council in Parl.("=) Appointed Justiciar of England, 25 Oct. i26o,() being the nominee of the Barons: he was deprived of his office by the King, Mayor June I26i.() Attended Montfort's Pari, at Oxford in Apr. I263.(^) Appointed Justiciar of England and Constable of the Tower of London, about 16 July 1263, by the Barons, with the assent of the King.Q In Mar. 1264, when Constable of the Tower, he led the rioters who sacked the mansion at Isleworth of the King of the Romans. (s) Was at the battle of Lewes, 14 May I264.(^) Appointed, by the counsel of the Barons, Constable of the Castles of Devizes and Oxford, 1 2 July, of Orford Castle, 1 8 July, the office of dispenser to these Earls, or possibly to the Lacys, Constables ot Chester. The commencement of the pedigree of this family is as follows: Thomas le Despenser.=p 1 i Thomas: dead Hugh: d'. = Roese :=:Stephen de Segrave, 1218,/./. 1238. 1st wife, of Segrave: </. 1 241. I — : I Hugh: slain = Pernell. = Geoffrey le Sauvage, at Evesham. of Hintes: </. i 230. Geoffrey, of Mart- == Emma, da. of Richard, Sire==John de St. John, of ley: <^. 1251. d'Harcourt : living 1265. I Stanton: </. 1229. i 1 John: (/. /.^. = Joan, da. and h. of Robert le Lou, Roger: slain 1275. of Castle Carlton: dead 1266. at Evesham. (') Close Roll, 28 Hen. Ill, m. 7 d. On I Jan. 1 244/5 he had a gift of two casks of the King's wine for the feast of his knighthood. {Idem, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 16). (•>) Patent Rolls, i.o Hen. Ill, w. 21; 41 Hen. Ill, m. 12 d:M. Paris, vol. v, p. 653. (*=) Annales de Burton, pp. 447, 449. (^) Monday before SS. Simon and Jude. [Chron. Maiorum London., p. 45). («) Wykes, p. 129: Annales de Dunstaplia, p. 222: Chron. Maiorum, p. 49. (*) Chron. Maiorum, p. 55: Gervase of Canterbury, vol. ii, p. 223. His salary as Justiciar was 1,000 marks a year. [Patent Roll, 48 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. 2). (8) Chron. Maiorum, p. 61: Wykes, p. 140: Annales de Wigornia, p. 452.