Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/279

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DESPENSER 261 and of Nottingham Castle, 15 Dec. 1264.Q Was appointed an arbiter to consider the peace between the King and the Barons, 11 Sep. I264.() He was sum. for Military Service against the Welsh, 14 IVlar. (1257/8) 42 Hen. Ill and 25 May (1263) 47 Hen. Ill, by writs directed Hugoni k I)espenser,And to Pari., 24 Dec. (1264) 49 Hen. Ill, by writ directed /^«^o«/ /e Despenser Jusiic' Anglie.(^) He was appointed an arbiter between the Earls of Leicester and Gloucester in May 1265. (') He m., in or before 1260, Aline, da. and h.('^) of Sir Philip Basset, of Wycombe, Bucks, Compton-Bassett and Wootton-Bassett, Wilts, i^c, Justiciar of England, by his 1st wife, Hawise, da. of Sir Matthew de Lovaine, of Little Easton, Essex.(°) He joined the Earl of Leicester in his last campaign, and with him was slain at the battle of Evesham, 4 Aug. 1265.Q He was bur. in Evesham Abbey. (8) His widow had a grant for life of the manors of Loughborough, Freeby, and Hugglescote — which had been forfeited — 5 Oct. 1265. C") She m., before 29 Oct. 1271, as ist wife, Roger (le Bigod), Earl of Norfolk, Marshal of England, and d. shortly before 11 Apr. I28i.(') He d. 7 Dec. 1306, and was bur. m Thetford Priory. (^) Patent Rolls, 48 Hen. Ill, p. I, mm. 8, 7, 3 schedule, 4 d; 49 Hen. Ill, m. 27. () As to the writ of 1264 see Preface. (') Annaki de IVaverleia, p. 361: Chron. Maiorum, p. 73. {^) Philip Basset, however, survived Hugh, and d. 29 Oct. I 27 I. [Annates de Oseneia, p. 247 : Inq. p. m. on Philip, as below). (*) She had, in free marriage, the manor of Wix, Essex. This was held in 127 1 of Sir Matthew de Lovaine, by the service of 20;. a year. Some genealogists say that she was da. of John de Grey, of Eaton, Bucks. (') The Earl exhorted him to save himself by flight. '"Domine Hugo, potens es viribus, multam sapienciam tibi contulit dator sapiencie, multum prodesse potes terre Anglicane. Jam quiesce ut vivas. Fuge hac vice ne moriaris.' At ille, ' O pater venerande, video pacienciam tuam et constanciam. Christus, ex alto prospiciens, laboribus tuis et erumnis nunc finem imponit: calicem passionis quem bibiturus es ipsemet gratanter bibam.' Et addidit, ' Nonne prestaret mori et gloriose occumbere quam tam insignem contumeliam pati ? ' " [Opus Chron., in Chron. Man. S. A/hani, p. 18). Cf. Rishanger, De Bellis, p. 45. (*) "... per licenciam domini Regis in ecclesia conventual! de Evesham ante magnum altare, scilicet ante gradum inferius." [Annates de JFaverleia, p. 365). C") Patent Roll, 49 Hen. Ill, m. 5. (') " Alina la Despensere comitissa NorfF'." Writs of diem cl. ext. 1 1 Apr. 9 Edw. I. [Fine Roll, m. 14). Extent, Bucks, Monday the Feast of the Transla- tion of St. Thomas the Martyr [7 July] 1281. "Hugo le Despenser est ejus hercs propinquior et fuit in prima septimana proximo preterita Marcii de etate viginti annorum." Extents, cos. Essex (4), Wilts (3), Cambridge, Northants, Surrey, Berks. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 27, no. 8). In the inquisitions taken in Nov. 1 27 1, after the death of Philip Basset, she is said to be his da. and h., and then aged 22 and more, 34 and more, 26, or 30 and more. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. Ill, file 41, no. 20).