Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/280

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262 DESPENSER BARONY BY 2. Sir Hugh le Despenser, of Loughborough, WRIT. Arnesby, Parlington, Ryhall, ^c.(^), Wycombe, Comp- j ton-Bassett and Wootton-Bassett, 6fc., s. and h., L 1 Mar. "j 1260/1. On 28 May 1281 he was given the administra- ° , tion of the lands which his father had forfeited, C') and had ^ ' livery of his mother's lands, 8 Aug. 128 1, although he was not of age till i Mar. following. (*>) He had livery of the manor of Martley, co. Worcester, 3 Mar. 1 28 1/2, as h. of his father's first cousin, John le Despenser.() He was with the King in Gascony in I287.('^) Was one of those ordered, 22 Aug. 1288, during the King's absence abroad, to abstain from violations of the peace. (^) Was appointed Constable of Odiham Castle, 12 June 1294.0 Was appointed an envoy to treat with the King of the Romans, June I294,Q with the King of France, l Jan, 1295/6, and with the King of France and the King of the Romans, Nov. 1296.Q He accompanied the King to Scotland in 1296. Was one of the proxies who swore to the treaty with the Count of Flanders, 5 Feb. 1 296/7. (^) Justice of the forests South of Trent, 12 Feb. 1296/7 to 18 Aug. 1307.(8) Received instructions to threaten the Clergy, 21 Mar. 1296/7. C") One of the King's Council, 1297.C') Accompanied the King to Flanders in Aug. i297.(^) He was {*) The ransom of these lands, which his father had forfeited, had been granted to his grandfather, Philip Basset; Philip left it to his da., Aline, who left it to Hugh, her son and heir. [Close Roll, 9 Edw. I, m. 7). " Hugo le Spenser tenet in Perlyngton dimidium feodi militis excepta una bovata terra de Comite Lincolnie . . . Hugo Spenser avus istius Hugonis perquisivit quandam cartam domini Regis Henrici . . . per quam quietus est de omnibus finibus et aliis serviciis forinsecis pertin- entibus domino Regi ad wapentagium suum." [Kirkby^s Inquest, p. 38). The date of this charter is 27 Feb. 1232/3. There was a similar one for Loughborough, {3*0., CO. Leicester, 12 Feb. 1226/7, ^"^ renewals of both. {Charter Rolls, 11 Hen. Ill, p. I, m. 34; 17 Hen. Ill, m. w. Close Rolls, 17 Hen. Ill, m. 12; 20 Hen. Ill, m. 18). 0") Close Roll, 9 Edw. I, w. 7; Fine Roll, m. 5. («) Close Roll, 10 Edw. I, m. 6. "Johannes le Despenser." Writ of diem cl. ext. 5 May 3 Edw. I. Inq., co. Leicester (2), Tuesday the Feast of St. Barnabas (2) [11 June] 1275. "Hugo filius Hugonis le Dispenser est propinquior heres predicti Johannis le Dispenser et fuit etatis xiiij annorum primo die Marcii ultimo preterito." Inq., CO. Worcester, Tuesday before the Ascension [21 May] 1275. Extent, co. Lincoln, undated. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 8, no. 10). C^) Patent Roll, 15 Edw. I, m. 11: Close Roll, 16 Edw. I, m. 4 d. (^) Fine Roll, 22 Edw. I, m. 10. (') Ch. Misc. Rolls, 14, no. 7: Almoin Rolls, 24 Edw. I, mm. 16 d, 17; 25 Edw. I, mm. 16 d, 15: Patent Rolls, 22 Edw. I, m. 19; 24 Edw. I, mm. 23, I; 25 Edw. I, p. I, m. 23. (e) Patent Rolls, 25 Edw. I, p. i, w. 17: Fine Rolls, 25 Edw. I, w. 18; i Edw. II, m. 17. C") Patent Rolls, 25 Edw. I, p. i, m. 9, p. 2, m. J; Close RoL, m. 14 d: Cotton, p. 317: Rishanger, pp. 379, 413.