Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/322

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304 DEVEROIS 2. Sir John Deverois, of Lower Hayton, Salop, s. and h. He m., istly, in or before 1284, Christine, widow of Sir William d'Eylesford, of Munsley, co. Hereford, and elder da. and coh. of Sir Gerard de Furnivalle, of Burton, Northants. He m., 2ndly, Eve. He d. shortly before 13 Mar. 1315/6.0 His widow was living in Sep. I32 8.() 3. Sir William Deverois, of Holme Lacy, Stoke Lacy, Frome Haymonds,() and Lower Hayton, s. and h. He was knighted, Jan. 1326/7. () Keeper of St. Briavels Castle and the Forest of Dean, 1327 to 21 Dec. I330.() He petitioned the King for the manor of Lyonshall, but unsuccessfully.^) He m., istly, .... He m., 2ndly, iVIargaret, widow of Sir Geoffrey de Cornewaille (who m. her before 12 Jan. (*) "Johannes Devereus." Writ of diem cl. ext. 13 Mar. 9 Edw. II. Inq., Northants, 4 Apr. 131 6. He had held lands in Burton and Cranford for life of the inheritance of Gerard, son of William d'Eyllesford. (Ch. Inq. p. w., Edw. II, file 46, no. 20). He had been returned as holding these lands in 1 284. {Feudal Aidf, vol. iv, pp. 12, 13). Cf. De Banco, Hilary, 36 Edw. Ill, m. 156, and Easter, 41 Edw. Ill, m. 203. C) Close Roll, 2 Edw. Ill, m. 14 d. (') Frome Haymonds was held in 1303 by Stephen de Evereus, either yr. br. or uncle of John abovenamed. {Feudal Aids, vol. ii, p. 379). He was one of those who forcibly disseized William Tuchet and Mary his wife of the castle of Lyonshall, late in the reign of Edward I. {Coram Rege, Trinity, i Edw. II, m. 53 d). He d. s.p., and appears to have left a widow, Constance, afterwards 2nd wife of Henry de Mortimer of Chelmarsh (who d. 26 Sep. 131 7), which Henry held Frome Haymonds in 1316 {Feudal Aids, vol. ii, p. 388). {^) Accounts of Thomas de Usefiete, Clerk of the King's Great Wardrobe, Exch., K.R., Accounts, 382, no. 7. (') Fine Roll, 4 Edw. Ill, m. 8. His appointment is not enrolled, but his predecessor, John de Myners, was slain at the castle, shortly before 10 Mar. 1326/7. {Patent Roll, 1 Edw. Ill, p. i, m. 21 d). (*) "A nostre Seignur le Roy et a son Conseil Monstre William fitz et heir Johan Deuerous Qe come William Deuerous Ael mesme cestui William et Luce sa Femme tyndrent le Manoir de Leonhales a terme de lour deaux vies Et apres lour dissees le dit Maner remeyndreyt a Johan Deueroys fitz William Deuerous et a les heirs de son corps engendreez par Fin leue en la Court le Roy Puis William Deuerous et Luce sa Femme tenaunz a terme de vie alienerent le dist Manoir en fee al Euesche de Cestr' ala desheritaunce meisme cestuy William fitz et heir Johan Deuerous Et le dist Manoir est ore deuenuz en la Meyn le Roy par la mort William Tochet Dont mesme cestuy William fitz et heir Johan Deuerous prie remedie." {Ancient Petitions, file 43, no. 2102). In an Inq., 24 Jan. 1330/1, it is stated that in 5 Edw. II Bartholomew de Badlesmere kt. had enfeoffed William Tuchet kt. of the castle and manor of Lyonshall, &c., in tail general, with reversion to himself and his heirs. Also that, immediately after the Queen last landed in England [24 Sep. 1326], William Deveroys kt. had entered the castle and manor by force and still held them. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 25, no. 8). William Tuchet was hanged, 22 Mar. 1321/2, after the battle of Boroughbridge.