Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/421

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DONOUGHMORE 403 Taghmon 1789-90, and for Cork City 1790-1801. Ent. the Army 1774; Lieut. Col. of the 77th regt. 1783; Col. of the 94th Foot 1794-95, of the 2nd Battn. 40th Foot 1 799-1 802, of the 74th Foot 1802-06, of the 57th Foot 1 806-1 1, and of the i8th Foot 181 1-32; Major Gen. in the Army 1796; Lieut. Gen. 1803, and Gen. 18 13. After the death of Abercromby he was Commander in Chief in Egypt, May 1801, and to him the French eventually capitulated. On 16 Dec. 1801, he, being a Whig,(") was cr. BARON HUTCHINSON OF ALEXANDRIA ^ AND KNOCK- LOFTY, CO. Tipperary (by which title he was known till, in 1825, he sue. to the Earldom), with a pension of ^^4,000 a year. Nom. K.B. 28 May, inv. 23 Dec. 1801, installed 19 May 1803, becoming G.C.B. 2 Jan. 18 15; Knight of the Crescent of Turkey, 20 Mar. 1802; Gov. of Londonderry and Culmore, Mar. to Apr. 1806, and of Stirling Castle 1806-32; F.S.A. 17 Apr. 1 806; Lord Lieut, of CO. Tipperary, 1831-32. He d'. unm., 29 June 1832,0 at Knocklofty, aged 75, when the Barony of Hutchinson (con- ferred on him) became extinct.i^) Will pr. Sep. 1832. EARLDOM AND VISCOUNTCY [I. III. 3 and 4. John (Hely-Hutchinson), Earl of Donoughmore, i^c. [I.], also Vis- count Hutchinson of Knocklofty [U.K.],

1832. nephew and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. 

BAor^xTvrn Francis Hely-Hutchinson, M.P. for the BAKUJN [l.J Univ. of Dublin (i 790-97), by Frances Wil- IV. j helmina, da. and h. of Henry Nixon, of Belmont, co. Wexford,(') which Francis (who d. 16 Dec. 1827, aged 67) was next br. to the last Earl. He was b. 1787; ent. the army 28 Sep. 1807; served in the Peninsula, and was present at Corunna; Capt. 18 12, being deprived of his commission 18 16, but soon or the Roman Cath. claims, and introduced the resolutions and Bills for Emancipation in the House of Lords. Though generally voting with the Whigs, he supported the bill of pains and penalties against Queen Caroline. V.G. (') He, like his brother, supported the bill against Queen Caroline, which was opposed by most of the Whigs. V.G. C") For remarks on this and similar titles chosen to commemorate foreign achievements, see vol. iii, Appendix E. V.G. (<=) Not 6 July, as in Gent. Mag. and in Diet. Nat. Biog. The Timei of 5 July 1832 reports his death on the preceding Friday. V.G. (■*) His portrait by Bunbury, who served under him, is as follows: — " Harsh features, jaundiced by ill-health, extreme short sightedness, a stooping body and a slouch- ing gait, and an utter neglect of dress." Though moody, shy, and unpopular, he gave proof of striking nerve and capacity as Commander in Chief. In 1 809- 1 he was the chief military adviser of the Carlton House party, helping them to embarrass the Government in their conduct of the Peninsular war, and " did not hesitate to sink his patriotism in the spirit of faction." (Sir Herbert Maxwell). V.G. (') Not Waterford, nor Wicklow. The family of Nixon of co. Wexford was quite distinct from that of Nickson of co. Wicklow. V.G.