Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/462

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444 DOUGLAS DOUGLAS OF LOCHLEVEN BARONY. George (Douglas), Earl of Morton [S.], was II Aug. 1 79 1, cr. BARON DOUGLAS OF LOCH- I. 1 79 1 LEVEN, CO. Kinross. He d. s.p. July 1827, when this to dignity became extinct. See " Morton," Earldom of [S.], 1827. cr. 1458, under the i6th Earl. DOUNE BARONY [S.] I. Sir James Stewart, of Doune, co. Perth, s. and h. of Sir James S., of Beath, co. Fife, Constable of Doune I. 1 58 1. Castle, by Margaret, Dowager Baroness Innermeath [S.], da. of John (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Byres [S.], which James Stewart was 3rd s. of Andrew, Lord Avondale [S.], and yr. br. of Andrew, Lord Ochiltrie [S.], and of Henry, Lord Methven [S.]. We sue. his father, Whitsunday 1545; was on an Embassy to France, 1560; knighted 15 May 1565; Commendator of St. Colm's Inch, Constable of Doune Castle, ^c. P.C. to James VI, by whom (that King " having respect that the said Sir James is descendit of his own blude ") he was, 24 Nov. 1 58 1, cr. LORD DOUNE [S.], with rem. to his heirs male whatsoever.(*) A charter of 6 Jan. 1587/8 (confirmed by an Act of Pari. 5 June 1592) gave a novodamus of the same, the ultimate rem. being to heirs male whatsoever bearing the name and arms of Stewart. Extra- ordinary Lord of Session [S.] 1584-86. Hem., 11 Jan. 1563/4, Margaret, 1st da. of Archibald (Campbell), 4th Earl of Argyll [S.], by his 2nd wife, Margaret, da. of William (Graham), Earl of Menteith [S.]. He d. 20 July I590.() His will, dat. 5 May 1590, is among the Moray writs. His widow d. shortly after 7 Feb. 159 1/2, from injuries received at that date from the fire which destroyed Donibristle. II. 1590. 2. James (Stewart), Earl of Moray, and Lord Doune [S.], s. and h., who, having m., in 1580, Elizabeth, 1st da. and h. of hne of James (Stewart), Earl of Moray [S.] {"the Good RegeKt," 1567-70), assumed in her right the Earldom of Moray, and is well known as " t)ie bonny Earl of Moray," slain by the Earl of Huntly [S.], 7 Feb. 1591/2. See "Moray," Earldom of [S.j, cr. 1562. if) The creation is set out at length in Wood's Douglas (appendix), vol. ii, p. 672. The lands erected into the Lordship of Doune were settled, according to a charter therein referred to, dated 23 May 1565, "on the said Sir James, his heirs and successors to be called and intitulat Lords of Doune, quha shall have the honour, dignity, place and preheminence of our sovereign Lords parliament." The settlement of 1565 was to Sir James and the heirs male of his body, whom failing to his heirs male whatsoever. (•") Fontenay, writing to the Queen of Scots, 15 Aug. 1584, describes him as, "homme de bien, tris fidelle, et tres affectionn6 serviteur de votre Majest6," but having "peu d'entendement et de capacity." V.G.