Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/463

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DOVER 445 DOURO, and DOURO OF WELLESLEY i.e. " DouRO OF Wellesley, co. Somerset," Barony (fVe/Ies/ey), cr. 1809, with the ViscouNTCY of Wellington; also " Douro," Marquessate, cr. 1 8 14, with the Dukedom of Wellington, which see. DOUTH See "Netterville of Douth, co. Meath," Viscountcy [1.] {Netter- vil/e), cr. 1622; extinct 1882. DOVEDALE See "Denman of Dovedale, co. Derby," Barony [Denman), cr. 1834. DOVER EARLDOM. I. Henry Carey, s. and h. of John, 3rd Baron y ^ „ Hunsdon, by Mary, da. of Leonard Hyde, of Hyde Hall, ^- ^^"- and Throcking, Herts; L about i58o;(") M.P. for Herts 1601, 1604-11, and 1614. K.B. 3 June 1610, at the creation of the Prince (Henry) of Wales; sue. his father as Baron Hunsdon, 17 Apr. 161 7. He was cr. VISCOUNT ROCHFORDC) 6 July 1 62 1, taking his seat 20 Nov. following, and was, on 8 Mar. 1627/8, cr. EARL OF DOVER, co. Kent. Speaker of the House of Lords, 14 Mar. 1641. Col. of a regt. of Oxford Scholars, 1644-46. He ;«., istly, before 1608, Judith, da. of Sir Thomas Pelham, Bart., of Laughton, Sussex, by Mary, da. of Sir Thomas Walsingham. She, who was liap. 21 June 1590, at Laughton, J. at Hunsdon, and was i'ur. there i Nov. 1629.0 ^^ '"•j 2ndly, 6 July 1630, at St. Peter le Poor, London, Mary, widow of Sir William Cokayne, sometime Lord Mayor (*) His eldest br. " Mr. Henry Cary," s. of " Mr. John Cary, Esquier" was hap. 15 Dec. 1577, and bur. i Jan. I 577/8, at Hunsdon. (*>) As to the title of Rochford, Thomas (Butler), Earl of Ormond [I.], was sum. to Pari. 14 Oct. 1495 (by writ directed Thome Ormond de Rochford, Ch/'r) as Lord Rochford. He d. s.p.m., 8 Aug. 15 15, and some 10 years later his grandson, Sir Thomas Boleyn (s. and h. of Sir William Boleyn, K.B., who had m. Margaret, his da. and coheir), was, on 18 June 1525, cr. Viscount Rochford, being after- wards (1529) cr. Earl of Wiltshire, ^c. He d. 1539, having had 3 children, viz. (i) George, Viscount Rochford by courtesy, admitted as a baron (Lord Rochford) in 1533/4, beheaded v.p., May 1536, who d. s.p.; (2) Anne, Queen Consort of Henry VIII, beheaded v.p., May 1536; and (3) Mary, who m. William Carey, and was mother of (Queen Elizabeth's first cousin) Henry, ist Baron Hunsdon, the grand- father of Henry, 4th Baron Hunsdon (his h. male, but not his h. general), the grantet of the Viscountcy of Rochford in 1621. {") See Her. and Gen., vol. iv, p. 47, and note thereto explaining that this date (1629) is wrongly regd. at Hunsdon as 1630.