Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/499

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DUDLEY 481 Elizabeth, the Queen Consort, soon after his accession to the peerage. He was sum. to Pari, from 12 Aug. (1492) 7 Hen. VII to 3 Nov. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII, (^) by writs directed Edwardo Sutton de Dudley chVr. He was nom. K.G. 18, and inst. 21 May 1509. He m. Cicely,() da. of Sir "William Willoughby, by Joan, da. and coh. of Thomas Str.^ngewavs. He d. 31 Jan. 1531/2,0 aged about 72. Admon. to William Lynde, before 14 Nov. 1541. III. 1532. 3. John (Sutton, or Dudley), Lord Dudley, s. and h., b. about 1495; knighted 13 Oct. 15 13; had livery of his father's lands 24 July (1532) 24 Hen. VIII. He was never sum. to Pari. No sooner had he sue. to the estates than he began (" being a weak man of understanding") to alienate them. In May 1537, he had sold Dudley Castle to his cousin, Sir John Dudley,('^) afterwards the well-known Duke of Northumberland. Hew. (betrothal before 30 Oct. 1501) Cicely, da. of Thomas (Grey), ist Marquess of Dorset, by Cicely, suo jure Baroness Harington and Bonville. He d. at Westm., and was bur. 18 Sep. 1553, at St. Margaret's there, aged about 58. Funeral celebrated with heraldic honours 2 1 Sep. His widow was bur. there (under her maiden name(^) as the Lady Cyss/ye Gray), 28 Apr. 1554.0 IV. 1553. 4- Edward (Sutton, or Dudley), Lord Dudley, s. and h. He served, v.p., in the Scottish wars, 1 547, under the Protector Somerset, and was made Gov. of Hume Castle after its sur- K.G. but as K.B., for the only other name in the list which is not that of a K.G. is that of Lord Mautravers (s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Arundel), who in that year was cr. K.B. See vol. ii, Appendix B, p. 545, note "b." V.G. (*) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. He also figures in a bogus list concocted by Dugdale [Summonses, pp. 491-2) as having been sum. to a Pari, be- ginning 12 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII (really the date to which the Pari, which first met 5 Feb. I 5 14/5, and to which he had been sum. 23 Nov. (15 14) 6 Hen. VIII, had been prorogued). As to this list see sub II Lord Willoughby (of Broke). V.G. () See Co//. Top. et Gen., vol. i, p. 300, and Visit, of co. York, 1563. (^) See as to his badge (1522-34) in Co//. Top. et Gen., vol. iii, p. 49. ("*) John (Dudley), Duke of Northumberland (so cr. 1 551), was in the patent, 17 Feb. 1546/7, whereby he was cr. Great Chamberlain, styled "Comes Warwici, Vicecomes Lisle, Baro de Somerey et Tyas, Dominus Dudley." He probably had assumed the Baronies of Somery and Dudley as owner of Dudley Castle. For a list of, and some remarks on, peerage titles assumed by peers, see vol. v. Appendix F. V.G. (*) Her precedency by birth as the da. of a Marquess would be a great deal higher (i.e. next below that of a Countess) than that by marriage as wife of a Baron. (') On 24 Feb. I 538 his wife writes of herself as in great distress, and dependent for meat and drink on the charity of the Prioress of Nuneaton. Having to subsist on "the charity of his friends," he was "commonly called the Lord Quondam." (Dugdale). See also Letters and Papers, Henry Fill, vol. xii, part i, p. 578. G.E.C. and V.G. 61