Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/500

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482 DUDLEY render; knighted 2 Oct. 1553, at the Coronation of Queen Mary. He was sum. to Pari, from 12 Nov. (1554) i and 2 Phil, and Mary to 20 Jan. (1557/8) 4 and 5 Phil, and Mary. By letters patent, dated 31 Dec. I555,(^) "the whole Castle of Dudley " was restored to him, other lands having been so restored, 4 Nov. i 554, all of which had vested in the Crown, by the forfeiture of John (Dudley), Duke of Northumberland. Lieut, of Hammes Castle, in Picardy, 1556-58. Queen Elizabeth paid him a visit at Dudley Castle in Aug. 1575. He w., istly, early in 1556, Katherine, da. of John (Brydges), ist Baron Chandos of Sudeley, by Elizabeth, da. of Edmund (Grey), I>ord Grey (of Wilton). She, who was Gentlewoman to the Queen [Mary], d. s.p.m.y and was bur. 28 Apr. 1566, at St. Edmund's, Dudley. He /»., 2ndly, in 1566 or 1567, Jane, da. of Edward (Stanley), 3rd Earl of Derby, by his ist wife, Dorothy, da. of Thomas (Howard), Duke of Norfolk. She was bur. 4 Sep. 1569, at St. Edmund's, Dudley. He m., 3rdly, Mary, sister of Charles, ist Earl of Nottingham, da. of William (Howard), ist Baron Howard of Effingham, by his 2nd wife, Margaret, da. of Sir Thomas Gamage. He was bur. 12 Aug. 1586 (with his parents), in St. Margaret's, Westm. Will dat. 8 July 1585, pr. 1586. His widow w., as ist of his 3 wives, Richard Mompesson, of Wiltshire. She d. 21, being bur. 23 Aug. 1600, in St. Margaret's, Westm. M.I. V. 1586. 5. Edward(Sutton, or Dudley), Lord Dudley, s. and h., by 2nd wife, bap. 17 Sep. 1567, at St. Edmund's, Dud- ley; matric. at Oxford (Lincoln Coll.) 24 July i58o.() He was sum. to Pari, from 19 Feb. (1592/3) 35 Eliz. to 3 Nov. (1639) 15 Car. LC') High Steward of Norwich Cathedral 1631-35. He m., 12 June 1581, at St. Benet's Fink, London, Theodocia, da. of Sir James Harington, of Exton, Rutland, by Lucy, da. of Sir William Sydney, of Penshurst, Kent. He d. s.p.m.s., 23, and was bur. 24 June 1643, in St. Edmund's, Dudley, aged (») Note that the summons to Pari, was before the restitution of the castle, militating against the theory of the Barony being a territorial peerage. C") The State Papers of the period contain an account of many of his mis- demeanours. Dugdale writes of him that he " betook himself wholly to a concu- bine [Elizabeth Tomlinson, of Dudley], on whom he begot divers [eleven] children, and so wasted his estate in support of her and them that he left not much of that fair inheritance which descended to him, and it so clogged with debts that, for the disengaging thereof, he married Frances, his granddaughter and heiress, to Humble Ward, the only son of William Ward, a wealthy goldsmith in London, jeweller to the late Queen." As early, however, as 1 593, the estates were in the hands of sequestrators. He appears to have been a person of infamous conduct. He, however, on 28 Feb. 1639, expresses his willingness to attend the King, though not " in such sort as is required," inasmuch as he had "passed over" his estate to Mr. Ward for payment of debts. (') In Dugdale's Summonses, p. 530, it is stated that a writ was directed Edwardo Sutton de Dudley chr. in 1586, but an examination of the Pari. Pawn shows that this is an interpolation, for no such name appears among the writs which issued 15 Sep. (1586) 28 Eliz. V.G.