Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/562

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544 DUNMORE III. 1752. 3- William (Murray), Earl of Dunmore, (ffc. [S.], next br. and h., l>. 1 Mar. 1695/6, at St. James's Palace; engaged in the Rising of 1745, and fought at Preston Pans, Fal- kirk, and Culloden, but having surrendered himself and pleaded guilty, 20 Dec. 1746, was pardoned as to his life, but was kept a prisoner, first at Beverley, and then at Lincoln, till his death. He w., in 1728, Catherine, 3rd da. of his paternal uncle, William (Nairne, formerly Murray), Lord Nairne [S.], by Margaret, da. and h. of Robert (Nairne), ist Lord Nairne [S.]. He d. a prisoner, in Lincoln, i Dec. 1756, aged 60, and was bur. in the Cathedral there. M.I. IV. 1756. 4. John (Murray), Earl of Dunmore, ^c. [S.], s. and h., b. 1730; styled i;./)., Viscount Fincastle; some- time Ensign and Lieut. (1755) in the 3rd Foot Guards; Rep. Peer [S.](^) 1761-74, and 1776-90; Gov. of New York, 1769-70; Gov. of Virginia, where his proceedings highly exasperated the colonists, 1770, till the Declara- tion of Independence (1776), recognised 1783; Gov. of the Bahama Islands, 1787-96. He m., 21 Feb. 1759, at Edinburgh, Charlotte, 6th and yst. da. of Alexander (Stewart), 6th Earl of Galloway [S.], by his 2nd wife, Catherine, da. of John (Cochrane), 4th Earl of Dundonald [S.]. Wed. in Ramsgate, 25 Feb.C") 1 809, aged 78.() Admon. Feb. 1 8 10. His widow d. 1 1 Nov. 1 8 I 8, at Southwood House, near Ramsgate. C^) Will pr. 1 7 Dec. 18 1 8. Both were ^«r. at St. Lawrence, in the Isle of Thanet, Kent. M.I. V. 1809. 5 and I. George (Murray), Earl of Dunmore, i^c. [S.], s. and h., b. 30 Apr. 1762, at Glen Finart, and styled BARONY. Viscount Fincastle till 1809; M.P. for Liskeard, , 1800-02. (') On 10 Sep. 1 831, he was fr. BARON DUN- 1- i«3i- MORE in the forest of Atholl, co. Perth.(0 He m., 4 Aug. 1803, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Susan, 3rd da. of (') He supported the " Bedford " Whigs at the beginning of George Ill's reign, and voted against Fox's India Bill. He was one of the five peers who protested (27 Feb. 1769) against the decision of the House of Lords in the "Douglas cause." The others were the Duke of Bedford, the Earls of Bristol and Sandwich, and Lord Milton. V.G. (b) Not May, as in Diet. Nat. Btog. V.G. if) His da. Augusta m., 4 Apr. 1793, Augustus, Duke of Sussex (6th s. or George III), which marriage was invalid under the Royal Marriage Act of 1772. V.G. C*) She is mentioned in The Letterhag of Lady Elizabeth Spencer Stanhope^ vol. i, p. 145, as being visited by "very few proper people." Nevertheless she had "taken to religion in her old age by way of expiating the sins of her youth . . . She must have been very beautiful in her day." {Memoirs of a Highland Lady). V.G. (') He sat in the Commons as a supporter of Pitt, but later joined the Whigs, and obtained his U.K. peerage from Lord Grey. V.G. (') This was one of the " Coronation Peerages " of William IV. See a list thereof in vol. ii, Appendix F.