Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/563

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DUNMORE 545 Archibald (Hamilton), Duke of Hamilton [S.], by Harriet, 5th da. of Alexander (Stewart), 6th Earl of Galloway [S.]. He d. 11 Nov. 1836, at Duiimore Park, co. Stirling, aged 74. Will pr. May 1837. His widow, who was b. 3 Aug. 1774, d. 24 May 1846, in her 72nd year, in Richmond Park, Surrey.(») Will pr. July 1846. EARLDOM [S. VI. BARONY. 836. 6 and 2. Alexander Edward (Murray), Earl of Dunmore, ^z. [S.], also Baron DuNMORE, s. and h., b. i June 1804, styled Viscount Fincastle, 1809-36; ed. at Eton circa 1 8 1 6-20. Grand Master of Freemasons [S.] 1835-36. By the death of his cousin, William, Lord Nairne, 12 Dec. 1837, he became entitled, as h. male, to the Jacobite Earldom of Nairne and ViscouNTCY OF Stanley [S. 1721], although the barony of Nairne passed to the h. of line. A Conservative. He w., 27 Sep. 1836, at Frankfort- on-the-Maine, Catherine, 3rd da. of George Augustus (Herbert), i 1 th Earl OF Pembroke, by his 2nd wife, Catherine, da. of Simon, Count Woronzow, in Russia. He d. 15 July 1845, ^^ Streatlam, co. Durham, aged 41, and was bur. at Dunmore. Will pr. July 1847. His widow, who was b. 31 Oct. 1 8 1 4, in Arlington Str., Midx., and was a Lady of the Bedchamber 1841-45, d. 12 Feb. 1886, at Carbery Tower, Musselburgh, and was bur. at Dun- more. EARLDOM [S.] 7 and 3. Charles Adolphus (Murray), yiy Earl of Dunmore, Viscount Fincastle, n Lord Murray OF Blair, Moulin, and TiLLE- RARONY ^'^^ [1686] in the peerage of Scotland, also Baron Dunmore [U.K. 1 831], only s. and h., III. J b. 24 Mar. 1841, in Grafton Str., London; ed. at Eton; styled Viscount Fincastle till 1845; sometime (i860) Lieut. Scots Fusilier Guards; a Lord in Waiting (Con- servative) 1874-80; Lord Lieut, of co. Stirling, 1875-85. He w., 5 Apr. 1866, at Holkham (King Edward and Queen Alexandra being present), Gertrude, 3rd da. of Thomas (Coke), 2nd Earl of Leicester of Holkham, by his ist wife, Juliana, da. of Samuel Charles Whitbread. He d. sud- denly, at the Manor House, Frimley, Surrey, 27, and was bur. 30 Aug. (*) She was a warm friend and correspondent of Samuel Rogers, and figures very attractively in Sir Herbert Maxwell's Memoir of herison, the Hon. Sir Charles Murray. V.G. 69