Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/685

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APPENDIX H 667 Earl of Bedford was not till 1366, when the remainder was to heirs male. See article Bedford. Cornwall.— Reynold FitzRoy or de Dunstanville was a: Earl of Cornwall about April ii4i.' He d. s.p.m. legn., 1175- His daughter Denise m. Richard (de Reviers), Earl of Devon, and their son Baldwin, who ./. s.p., 1 188, is called Baldewinus Comes Cornubu consanguineus Regis in the Annaks de Waverleia, p. 245- ^ ^'^ suggests that in popular estimation Baldwin was entitled to the Eaddom of Cornwall in right of his mother, but there seems to have been no royal recognition of his right to the earldom. NoRFOLK.-Hugh le Bigod was cr. Earl of Norfolk before Feb. 1 14 1 . The earldom descended in the male line to Roger le Bigod, who surrendered it to Edward I in 1302. Thomas ot Brotherton, who was cr. Earl of Norfolk in 13 12, d. s.p.m.s., 1338,. leaving Margaret and Alice his coheirs. On the death oi Alice in 1 375, Mariaret was recognised by both King and J'arlianient as Countess of Norfolk. It was claimed on behalf of Lord Mowbray in the Earldom of Norfolk case (1906) that the earldom was in abeyance between the two sisters ^orn 1338 to nvc and that the abeyance was determined by the death ot Alice The decision in the case involved a denial of the existence of the earldom in Thomas of Brotherton and his issue. OxroRD.-AubreydeVerewas cr. Earl of Oxford in 1142. ^^'fj^^ there was no failure of male issue to the heir general till 1526. YoRK—William d'Aumale was cr. Earl of York in 1138, but he was better known after^vards as Earl ol Aumale, which title was .continued in his daughter and her descendants after his death, s.p.m., 1 179. Salisbury -Patrick de Salisbury was cr. Earl of Salisbury in or before 1 149. His son William had an only child, Ela, who m. William de Longespee, who seems to have been recognised as Earl o Salisbury Ela (d. 1261) survived her son W illiam and her g Sson-Wniiaii The last-named left a daughter, Margaret ^ho m. Henry (de Lacy), Earl of Lincoln. Their only da^ and h., Alice, m/ Thomas, Earl of Lancaster who ^. ^•^, ^^ "S beheaded 1321/2, and fcr/eued. It ,s not clear that any ot the descendants of Ela were recognised as Earls of Salisbury. SoMERSET.-WiUiam de Mohun was .r. Earl of Somerset before June 1 141, but the earldom is not heard ot after 1 142.