Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/686

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668 APPENDIX H The remaining sixteen earldoms group themselves conveniently as follows : Chart I. Essex 1140, and Hereford 1141, and Northampton of the later creation. Chart II. Surrey or Warenne before 1 135, and Arundel or Sussex or Chichester, cr. 1 141. Chart III. Buckingham, Gloucester, Warwick, and Leicester before 1 135, Pembroke cr. 1 138, and Hertford cr. 1141. Chart IV. Huntingdon, Northampton, and Chester before 1 135, and Lincoln cr. } 1139-40 and 1232. Chart V. Derby, cr. 1138. Chart VI. Devon, cr. before June 1141.