Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/81

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DARCY 65 I June I454.() Admon. at Lincoln, 29 Aug. 1454, to William Swinford of Kettlethorpe {Lincoln Reg., vol. xx, f. i 8). 6. Sir Philip Darcy, s. and h., aged 14 and more in June 1412. He m., before 28 Oct. i4i2,() Alianore,(') da. of Sir Henry FitzHugh, of Ravensworth in Richmondshire [Lord FitzHugh], by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Robert Grey. He d., 2 Aug. 141 8, aged 20.() At his death any Barony, that may be supposed to have been created by the writ of 1332, fell into abeyance. His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 5 Mar. i42o/i.(') She w., 2ndly (pardon for marrying without Inq., CO. Lincoln, 29 Oct. 1432. " Et dicunt quod predictus Thomas obiit die Mercurii in quarta septimana quadragesime ultimo preterite Et quod Thomas Swynford' miles est filius et heres dicti Thome Swynford' . . . propinquior et est etatis xxvj annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq, p. m., Hen. VI, file 57, no. 4: Exch. hiq. p. m., I, file 152, no. 2). (') " Margareta que fuit uxor Johannis Darcy militis." Writs of diem cl. ext. 15 June 32 Hen. VI and 26 Oct. 33 Hen. VI. Inq., cos. Northumberland, Middlesex, York, Notts, Lincoln, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, before, and Monday after. All Saints [28, 30, 31 Oct., 4 Nov.], and 10 Nov. 1454. "Et dicunt quod dicta Margareta obiit die Sabbati proximo post festum Ascencionis domini ultimo preteritum Et quod Elizabetha uxor Jacobi Strangways militis et Margeria uxor Johannis Conyers militis sunt consanguinee et heredes ipsius Margaretc propinquiores videlicet filie Philippi filii ejusdem Margarete Et quod dicta Elizabetha est etatis triginta et vj annorum et amplius et predicta Margeria est etatis triginta et duorum annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. VI, file 152, no. 15: Exch. Inq. p. m.y I, file 196, no. 4). C) Patent Roll, 14 Hen. IV, m. 23. (') Her mother, " Elizabeth Lady of Rauenswath', by her will, dat. 24 Sep. 1427, left "my doghter Darcy a sauter couered in blew." (^) " Philippus Darcy miles filius et heres Johannis nuper domini Darcy defuncti." Writs of devenerunt 2 Mar. 6 Hen. V and 18 Nov. 7 Hen. V. Inq., cos. Derby, Notts, Wednesday after St. George [24 Apr.] and 6 May 1420. "Et dicunt quod idem Philippus obiit secundo die Augusti anno vj'° Regis nunc quo die fuit etatis xx" annorum et non amplius Et quod Elizabetha et Margeria filie predicti Philippi sunt heredes ejusdem Philippi propinquiores et quod predicta Elizabetha est etatis duorum annorum et dimidii unius anni et quinque mensium et predicta Margeria est etatis unius anni et unius mensis." Inq., cos. Northumberland, York, Thursday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sep.], and Tuesday after St. Michael [3 Oct.] 141 9. Date of death, and heirs, aged 2 and more, and i and more, as before. Inq., Calais, Middlesex, 20 Aug. 14 19 and Saturday in the octaves of the Purification [3 Feb.] 1419/20. Date of death, and heirs, aged 2^ and more, and i^ and more, as before. Inq., co. Lincoln, Thursday before St. Luke [17 Oct.] 1420. Date of death, and heirs, aged 3 and more, and 2 and more, as before. (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file 43, no. 78: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 121, no. 11, and Enrolments, nos. 489 and 494). {') Writs de dote assignanda $ Mar. {Close Roll,S Hen. V, ot. i). Assignments, cos. Middlesex, Notts, Derby, Lincoln, Northumberland, 17 Mar. 1420/1, 10, 12 Aug. 142 1, 15 July and 12 Aug. 1422. (Ch. Inj. p. m., Hen. V, file 54, nos. 124, 131). 9