Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/82

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66 DARCY the King's consent, 1 8 Feb. i426/7),(^) Sir Thomas Tunstall, of Thurland, CO. Lancaster. She »/., 3rdly,() as 2nd wife, Sir Henry Brounflete, of Londesborough, co. York, afterwards Lord Vessy. She d. 30 Sep. 1457. (•=) He d. 16 Jan. 1468/9. () Will, directing his burial to be in the Church of the White Friars, London, dat. 2 1 May (1466) 6 Edw. IV, pr. at Lambeth, 30 Jan. 1468/9 {P.C.C.y 26 Godyn, ff. 215 v-2i6). He left two daughters his coheirs, (i) Elizabeth, aged 2 years and II months in Apr. 1420. She w., as ist wife,(') before 20 Nov. 1431, Sir James Strangways, of West Harlsey, co. York, sometime (i Edw. IV) Speaker of the House of Commons. Having proved her age (in co. York), the King took his fealty, 20 Nov. 1431, and they had livery of her purparty of the inheritance. She was living i Sep. 1458, but d. before Nov. (^) Patent Roll, 5 Hen. VI, p. I, m. 6. (•>) By his Bill in Chancery, "William Tunstall' Esqwyere one of the yonger sonnes of sir Thomas Tunstall' knyght and Alianore sumtyme his wyfe late the wyfeof Henry Brounflete knyght" sued the said Henry for his share of 1,000 marks, which (he alleged), on the marriage of Henry and Alianore, Henry had agreed to settle on her two younger sons and two daughters, " for asmuch as she had grete lyfelode and gudes." In his Answer, dated 4 July 6 Edw. IV, " Henry Brounflete knyghte Lorde Vessy " certified " that I neuer promised the saide M marc' nor no peny therof to my saide late wife [Alianour sumtyme Lady Darcy] nor to non' other person' to be disposed amongest hir saide yonger children'." [Early Ch. Proc, 29, mm. 103-114). (•=) "Alianora que fuit uxor Philippi Darcy militis." Writs of diem cl. ext. 23 Oct. 36 Hen. VI. Inq., cos. Middlesex, York, Northumberland, Notts, Derby, Lincoln, 30 Oct., 2 Nov., 6 Dec. 1457, 12, 12, and 16 Jan. 1457/8. "Et dicunt quod eadem Alianora obiit ultimo die Septembris anno dicti domini Regis nunc supradicto Etquod predicte Elizabetha et Margeria sunt consanguinee et heredes predicti Johannis le fitz propinquiores videlicet filie Philippi filii Johannis filii }ic predicti Johannis Darcy le fitz Et dicunt ulterius quod Ricardus Tunstall' miles est filius et heres propinquior ejusdem Alianore et est etatis triginta [et duorum — except co. Middlesex'] annorum et amplius Et quod predicta Elizabetha est etatis quadraginta annorum et amplius Et quod eadem Margeria est etatis triginta et sex [et octo — cos. Notts, York: et novem — CO. Northumberland'] annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. VI, file 168, no. 30: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 200, no. 6, file 202, no. 12). "Alianora que fuit uxor Henrici Brounflet militis domini Vessy." Writ of diem cl. ext., to the escheator in CO. York, 1 8 Nov. {Fine Roll, 36 Hen. VI, m. 1 7). There is no consequent Inq. on the files. C) Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. IV, file 29, no. 37. See Vessy. (') Sir James Strangways m., 2ndly, Elizabeth, widow of Sir William Bulmer, of Wilton, CO. York, and da. of Henry Eure, of Bradley, co. Durham. She d. 13 or 14 Mar. 1481/2. See Bulmer. Will of Elizabeth "Strangwis," directing her burial to be in the parish church of Upleatham, co. York, and appointing " Radulphum Bulmer militem filium mourn" her executor, dat. 12 Mar. 148 1 [1481/2], pr. 2 May 1482. {York Reg., vol. V, f. 6l). (') On 20 Nov. [E.] and 24 Nov. [I.] 1 43 1, the escheators in England and the town of Calais, and the Chancellor in Ireland, were ordered to divide the lands yc. which John late Lord of Darcy had held at his death, and those which Elizabeth, late the wife of Philip late Lord of Darcy, father of the said John, had held in