Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/83

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DARCY 67 I45i.(") He d. shortly before 20 Aug. i48o.() (2) Margery, b. (post- humous) I Sep. 141 8, at Ravensworth, and hap. at Kirkby Ravcnsworth.(') She w., before 20 Nov. 1431, Sir John Conyers, ot" Hornby, c«. York. Having proved her age, they had livery of her purparty of the inheritance, 13 May 1433, ^he escheator in co. York being ordered to take his fealty.() She d. betveen 20 Mar. 1468/9 and 20 Apr. i469.(') He d. 14 Mar. 1489/90.0 V. 1 64 1. 7. Conyers Darcy, s. and h. of Thomas D., by Elizabeth, 2nd da. and coh. of John (Conyers), Lord Conyers, became in July 1635, O'^ the death of his cousin, John (Darcy), Lord Darcy, his h. male., as also h. male of his great-grandf^ther, Thomas, Lord Darcy {attainted 1538); and being maternally, through the Conyers family, a coh. of John (Darcy), Lord Darcy, sum. by writ in 133 1/2, set out these facts in a petition to the King in the Pari, which first met at West- minster, 3 Nov. 1640, wherein he asked that the King might " he pleased to declare, restore, and confirm, to him the said Sir Conyers Darcy and the Heirs Male of his body, the stile, title and dignity of Lord Darcy. "(') Two Patents which issued on 10 and 12 Aug. 1641 respectively, are held(s) to have determined the abeyance of the ancient Barony of Darcy [and by dower, into two equal parts, and to give seizin of one part to James Strangways the younger and Elizabeth his wife, and to retain the other part, the purparty of Margery the wife of John Conyers, in the King's hand. [Cloie Roll, 10 Hen. VI, m. 15). On I Dec. 1454 the escheators were ordered to deal with the lands yc. which Margaret late the wife of John Darcy kt. defuncta had held in dower, and on i Sep. 1458 with the lands ds'c. which Aiianore late the wife of Philip Darcy kt. defuncta had held in dower or otherwise, and, having taken the fealties of James Strangways and of John Conyers, whose homages in each case had been respited, to give seizin to James and Elizabeth, and to John and Margery, of their purparties. {Fine Rolls, 33 Hen. VI, m. 9; 37 Hen. VI, m. 8: cf. Close Roll, I Edw. IV, ;/;. 5). {^ Pari Rolls, vol. v, p. 485. C) Writs oUiem cl. ext. 20 Aug. {Fine Roll, 20 Edw. IV, ;;/. 15). {^) Writ de etate probanda 16 Apr. 11 Hen. VI. " Probacio etatis Margerie uxoris Johannis Conyers unius filiarum et heredum Philippi Darcy militis defuncti filii et heredis Johannis nuper domini de Darcy," Masham, co. York, 29 Apr. 1433. "... eadem Margeria nata fuit apud Ravenswath' in comitatu predicto in festo sancti Egidii abbatis anno regni predict! domini H. nuper Regis patris domini Regis nunc sexto et in ecclesia de Kirkeby on the hill' baptizata et fuit etatis quatuordecim annorum in festo sancti Egidii abbatis ultimo preterito." (Ch. Inq. f>. m.. Hen. VI, file 61, no. 53). (d) Close Roll, II Hen. VI, m. 12. (') Ing. p. m. (on John Conyers kt.), Ch., II, vol. 6, nos. 49, 50, 51, 89, Exch., II, file 460, nos. I, 9. Their s. and h. ap., John Conyers, survived liis mother, but d. v.p., leaving a s. and h., William, b. 21 Dec. 1468. {Idem). See Convers. (') Dugdale's Baronage, vol. i, p. 375. V.G. (s) By the Committee for Privileges in 1903. See, as to this decision, Appendix H to this volume. V.G.