Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/92

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76 DARCY Hugh Hastings, of Fenwick in that co. She, who was aged 38 and more at her father's death, 26 Feb. 1543/4, d. 21 Sep. i557,(^) and was bur. at Brayton, co. York. He d. 28 Aug. I558,() and was bur. with her. M.I. to both there. Will dat. 15 Aug. 1558, pr. 24 Aug. 1558 [«V].('=) II. 1558. 2. John (Darcy), Lord Darcy, s. and h., aged 28 and more at his father's death. Knighted at the Coronation, 1 5 Jan. 1558/9. He took his seat in the House of Lords 25 Jan. 1558/9 in the precedence ( 1 509) of the older Barony, which precedence he preserved. (**) He m. Anne, da. of Thomas Babington, of Dethick,co. Derby, by Katherine, da. of Sir Henry Satcheverel, of Morley in that co. He d. i8,(^) and was bur. 19 Oct. 1 602, at Aston. Will dat. 15 Mar. 39 Eliz. 1596 [1596/7], pr. at London, i Feb. 1 602/3. (^ III. 1602 3. John (Darcy), Lord Darcy, grandson and h., being to only s. of Michael Darcy, by Margaret, da. of Thomas 1635. WENTWORTH,of Wcntworth Woodhouse, CO. York, which Michael was only s. of the last Lord, but d. v.p., 1 3 Dec. 1588, and was bur. at Wentworth. M.I. He was aged 23 and more at his grandfather's death. He was sum. to Pari. 5 Nov. (1605) 3 Jac. I to (") " Dorflthea domina Darcie nuper uxor Georgii domini Darcie defunct'." Writ of mandamus 9 Sep. 5 and 6 Ph. i^ Mar. Inq., co. York, 7 Oct. 1558. "... predicta Dorothea domina Darcye . . . obiit . . . xxj° die Septembris annis . . . quarto et quinto." (Ch. Inq. />. m., II, vol. 116, no. 57). C") "Georgius Dominus Darcye." Writ of diem cl. ext. 9 Sep. 5 and 6 Ph. y Mar. Inq., co. York, 7 Oct. 1558. "... predictus Georgius dominus Darcye . . . obiit xxviij™ die augusti ultimo preterito . . . Johannes Darcye modo dominus Darcye est filius et heres dicti domini Georgii Darcye . . . Et fuit etatis tempore mortis dicti domini Georgii Darcye viginti et octo annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 116, no. 14). (■=) Tork Reg., vol. XV (2), f. 29 1 . " George Darcye of Gatefurthe knight Lorde Darcye ... my bodye to be buryed in the queare of Brayton as nighe my wyffe as can be." The M.I. states that he d. 23 Sep. 1558. () The fact that Dugdale in his Summonses has sometimes omitted the words " de Darcye " in the Writs led G.E.C. to suppose that they did not occur in the Pari. Pawns, and to deprecate the idea that such discrepancy in the designation could create a distinct Barony, viz. one in fee. Dugdale's lists of writs for the reign of Elizabeth up to the year 1586 are, however, fabrications, a fact which was not known to G.E.C. V.G. (") "Johannes Dominus Darcye de Aston." Writ of diem cl. ext. 11 Nov. 44 Eliz. Inq., CO. York, 20 Nov. 1602. "... predictus Johannes Dominus Darcye . . . obiit decimo octavo die Octobris ultimo preterito . . . Johannes modo Dominus Darcye est ejus consanguineus et proximus heres videlicet filius et heres predicti Michaelis Darcye defuncti filii et heredis dicti Johannis Domini Darcye defuncti Et . . . tempore mortis dicti Johannis Domini Darcye defuncti fuit plene etatis videlicet etatis viginti trium annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 273, no. 82; Court of Wards, o. 26, no. 1 40). (') Peculiar Court of IFestm., 438 Elsam ii, f. 81. "Sir John Darcy knight Lord Darcy of Aston ... my bodie to be buried in the parish Church of Aston."