Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/93

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DARCY 77 20 Jan. (1628/9) 4 Car. I, by writs directed Johanni Darcy et Mcinill. He is recorded as having had the courage to refuse a challenge from Gervase Markham in i6i6.(^) He w., istly, Rosamond, da. of Peter Freschevile, of Staveley, co. Derby, by his 2nd wife, Margaret, da. of Arthur Kaye, of Woodsome, co. York. She, who was bap. at Staveley, 5 June i576,() d. 18 Apr. 1607, and was bur. at Aston. M.I. He ;«., 2ndly, 7 May 1617, at Walton, co. Derby, Isabel, da. of Sir Christopher Wray, of Glentworth, CO. Lincoln, Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, by Anne, da. of Nicholas GiRLiNGTON, of Normanby, co. York. She had ;«., istly, Godfrey FoLjAMBE, of Walton afsd., who was b. at Walton 21, and bap. 25 Nov. 1558 at Chesterfield, d. at Walton 14 June, and was bur. 16 July 1595 at Chesterfield ;(') and 2ndly, as 2nd wife. Sir William Bowes, of Streatlam and Barnard Castle, co. Durham, who d. 30 Oct. 161 1. She d. s.p., at Aldwark, CO. York, 27 Jan. 162 1/2, ("^i and was <^«r. at Rawmarsh in that co. M.I. at Aston. He w., 3rdly, 7 Nov. 1624, at Harthill, co. York, Mary, da. of Thomas (Bellases), ist Viscount Fauconberg, by Barbara, da. of Sir Henry Cholmeley, of Whitby, co. York. She, who was bap. 1 1 Apr. 1606, at Coxwold, CO. York, d. 14 Sep. 1625, in childbirth, aged 19, and was bur. at Aston. M.I. He m., 4thly, Elizabeth, sister and coh. of John West, of Firbeck, co. York, and ist da. of William West, of the same, by Katherine, ist da. of Sir Edward Darcy, of Dartford, Kent. He d'. s.p.s.if) 5 July 1635. Will dat. 23 Jan. 1633 [1633/4] and 25 Mar. 1634.(0 At (*) Markham was censured in the Star Chamber, 27 Nov. 161 6. He had had a quarrel, when out hunting, with one of Darcy's followers, who had given him a "switching." A full account of the Star Chamber proceedings is in Harl. MSS., no. 3638, ff. 50-61, and no. 6807, fF. 1 70-183. Darcy and his 2nd wife "fell into the class of those to whom persons less serious gave the offensive appellation of puritans" (Hunter, vol. ii, p. 59). (*>) Coll. Top. et Gen.,vo. iv, p. 385. (^) "The worshipfull Godfrey Fuliambe esquire died at his house of Walton the 14 of June 1595, and was buryed the 1 6th daye of July next after, in the p'ishe church of Chesterfeld, in the Countie of Derby." (Fun. Cert, penes J. B. Nichols in 1835 — Coll. Top. et Gen.., vol. ii, p. 399). (^) Hunter, vol. ii, p. 163, quotes a "poem," "Upon the day and time when she died, Jan. 27th, Sunday, about noon": "To wreak their wrath the Fates espied their time. When in his noonstead Titan was in prime. And on the sabbath," i^c. Elsewhere Hunter says that she d. 12 Feb. 1622. But 12 Feb. was a Tuesday m 1 62 1/2, and a Wednesday in 1622/3. («) He had 3 children, who d. v.p. (i) John, who d. unm. 21 Apr. 1624, aged 22, and was hur. in Westm. Abbey; (2) Rosamund, bap. at Aston, 9 Feb. 1605/6, the marriage of whom to Lord Brooke was being arranged in Mar. 1628/9, but she d. before the negotiations were completed; (3) Elizabeth, bap. at Aston, lO Apr. 1 607, d. unm. 18 June 1624. Unregistered; cert, copy at York. "Published and declared 7 Feb. 1634," "pr. 14 Aug. 1635 at York," "pr. 14 Aug. 1636 at Aston " (various notes on copy). "John Lord Darcy of Aston in the County of York."