Page:The Complete Works of Lyof N. Tolstoi - 08 (Crowell, 1899).djvu/149

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When night came, she saw the Moon in the water, and thought that it was a fish, and she dived down to catch the Moon.

The other ducks saw this, and began to make sport of her.

From that time forth the Duck began to be ashamed and lose courage, so that whenever she saw a fish under the water she would not seize it, and so she died of starvation.



A Wolf was anxious to steal a sheep from the flock, and went to the leeward, so that the dust from the flock might cover him. The Shepherd Dog saw him and said:—

"It's no use, Wolf, for you to go in the dust; it will spoil your eyes."

But the Wolf replied:—

"It is very unfortunate, Doggy,[1] my eyes were spoiled long ago, but they say that the dust from a flock of sheep is an excellent remedy for the eyes."



A Mouse lived under a granary. In the granary floor was a little hole and the grain slipped down through the hole. The Mouse's life was happy, but the desire came over her to make a show of her life.

She gnawed a larger hole, and invited other Mice.

"Come," said she, "and have a feast; there will be food enough for all."

But after she had brought the Mice, she discovered that there was no hole at all. The farmer had noticed the big hole in the floor, and closed it up.

  1. Sobachenka, diminutive of Sobaka.