Page:The Complete Works of Lyof N. Tolstoi - 08 (Crowell, 1899).djvu/150

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A gentleman sent his servant to buy the very best pears.

The servant went to the shop, and asked for pears.

The merchant gave them to him; but the servant said:—

"No; give me your very best pears."

The merchant said:—

"Taste one; you will find that they are delicious."

"How can I know," exclaimed the servant, "that they are all delicious, if I taste only one?"

So he bit a little out of each pear, and took them to his master.

Then his master dismissed him.



A Falcon became tame, and would fly to his master's hand whenever he called. The Cock was afraid of the master, and screamed when he came near him.

And the Falcon said to the Cock:—

"You Cocks have no sense of gratitude! What a race of slaves you are! As soon as you are hungry, you go to your master. It is a very different thing with us wild birds ; we are strong and we can fly faster than all others, and we are not afraid of men; but we go of our own accord and perch on their hands when they call us. We remember that they have given us food."

And the Cock said:—

"You do not run away from men, because you never saw a Falcon roasted; but many a time have we seen Cocks roasted!"