Page:The Conquest of Mexico Volume 2.djvu/493

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Morla, Francisco de ii., 108, 115
Morton, S. G ii., 459, 462
Mosaic imitated i., 82
Mound to Quetzalcoatl i., 288, 305
Muñoz i., 43, 446, 450
Murray, C. A. i., 425
Mythology i., 36, 37, 114

Naco ii., 332
Naming children i., 40
Naming children ii., 388
Narvaez, Panfilo de i., 124
notice of ii., 18
commander of Velasquez's fleet against Cortés ii., 18
arrives at San Juan de Ulua ii., 20
his summons to Sandoval ii., 21
Cortés' mission to him ii., 23
Olmedo's intercourse with ii., 23
at Cempoalla ii., 24
proposes to liberate Montezuma ii., 25
Cortés marches against ii., 25
his summons of Cortés to surrender ii., 29
his envoys to Cortés ii., 31
reply to ii., 31
pre parations for assaulting ii., 32, 34
marches to the River of Canoes ii., 32
his sentinels ii., 35, 37
attacked and defeated, wounded ii., 38
treatment of, by Cortés ii., 40
murmurs among his troops ii., 43
property taken from ii., 418
mutinies among the levies from ii., 133, 135, 150, 219, 449
to send Cortés for trial to Spain ii., 149
proceedings in Spain in regard to ii., 218, 446
brings charges against, Cortés ii., 317
Nativities, astrologers consulted at i., 68
Newfire, the i., 71, 438
New Spain, Yucatan called i., 126
early settlements in ii., 325
condition of the natives there ii., 325
population of, in ii., 1810, 447
arrival of Franciscan friars in ii., 327
Royal Audience of ii., 351, 360
New Royal Audience of ii., 361, 363
viceroy of ii., 364
number of languages in ii., 392
Nezahualcoyotl, efficiency of i., 15, 17, 91
poetry by i., 96, 109
poetry by ii., 403
Mexican code under i., 424
meaning of the name i., 48, 448
personal history and adventures of i., 91
conquers Maxtla i., 94
four hitorians of the royal house of i., 445
an illustrious bard i., 96
pile of buildings erected by i., 97, 112
Nezahualpilli, account of i., 112
his treatment of his guilty wife i., 445
his treatment of his guilty wife ii., 406
has forebodings of calamity to his country i., 113, 182
his death i., 113, 180
his obsequies i., 448
address made by i., 178
address made by ii., 98
pardons a son ii., 169
Nobles, Aztec i., 21
treatment of by Nezahualcoyotl i., 94
their manners i., 114, 259, 337
Tlascalan i., 242
chivalrous act of Aztec i., 245
Aztec, meet Cortés i., 334
bear Montezuma in a palanquin i., 334, 340
attend on Montezuma i., 366
massacre of ii., 40
six, deputed to Tlascala ii., 139
sent to Guatemozin ii., 268, 280
four hundred hung ii., 316
accompany Cortés to Spain ii., 352
Northmen visit America ii., 455
Notation i., 63, 67
Numeration i., 63
Nuñez ii., 271

Oaxaca i., 416
Oaxaca ii., 146, 313, 356
Obsidian i., 80
Ocelotl ii., 460
Olea, Christoval de ii., 255
Olid, Christoval de, sent in search of Grijalva i., 128
joins Cortés i., 144
noticed ii., 12, 34, 46, 72, 78, 104, 108, 112, 126
detached to Quauhquechollan ii., 144
Sandoval and ii., 186
reconnoitres Mexico ii., 190
at Cuernavaca ii., 208
conspiracy against ii., 220
takes post at Cojohuacan ii., 226, 230
his expedition to Honduras ii., 330
defection of ii., 332
beheaded ii., 332
Olmedo, Bartolomé de, father, notice of i., 155
his efforts to convert the natives i., 155, 166, 189, 233
interposition of i., 237, 281, 383
character of i., 212, 283
performs mass i., 387
performs mass ii., 11
attempts to convert Montezuma i., 409
attempts to convert Montezuma ii., 10, 94
mission of ii., 23
meets Cortés ii., 29
goes against Narvaez ii., 36
sermon by, after the surrender of Mexico ii., 296
last years of ii., 323
Oral tradition i., 49, 63, 481
Ordaz, Diego de i., 145
to ransom Christian captives i., 154, 156
attempts the ascent of Popocatepetl i., 317
visits Montezuma with Cortés i., 344
joins Cortés at Tlascala ii., 45
chivalrous ii., 72
storms the great temple ii., 84
at the evacuation of Mexico ii., 104, 107, 112
Ordinances for the government of New Spain, during Cortés' vice-royalty ii., 447
Orizaba i., 198, 233, 290
Orteaga i., 19
Orteguilla i., 409, 12
Otaheitans ii., 455
Otomies i., 244
Otomies ii., 239, 266, 392, 439
Otompan, or Otumba ii., 123, 127, 182
Ovando, Don Juan de i., 43
Ovando, Don Nicholas de i., 130, 132
Ovando, Don Nicholas de ii., 417
Oviedo de Valdez, Gonzalo Fernandez i., 439
on the peso de oro i., 456
on the gold and silver wheels i., 456
on the device of Tlascala i., 465
on Montezuma and Narvaez ii., 417
on the ascendency of Cortés ii., 40
on the massacre by Alvarado ii., 419
account of, and of his writings ii., 42
panegyrises Cortés ii., 433

Pacific Ocean descried by Nuñez de Balboa i., 122
discovered and taken possession of ii., 312
Spanish ideas of the ii., 329
Padilla i., 446
Paintings, hieroglyphical, made in court i., 25
chair for the study and interpretation of i., 25, 62
Aztec laws registered in i., 26, 49
cycles of the Vatican i., 427
of Sahagun i., 42, 44
features of Mexican i., 47
colouring in i., 47
Aztec and Egyptian, compared i., 46
the records made in i., 49
connection of oral tradition with i., 49, 63, 63
Humboldt on i., 432
destruction of i., 60
their importance i., 62
sent to Spain i., 216
of Narvaez and his fleet ii., 22
of the storming of the great temple ii., 422
Palaces i., 97, 101, 341, 344, 361, 387
Palaces ii., 131, 271, 322, 363