Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/138

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phrastically and Historically|to the Text.|By John Napier, Lord of Marchiston.|With a Resolution of certain doubts,|moved by some well affected brethren.|Whereunto are annexed certain Oracles of|Sibylla, agreeing with the Revelation,|and other places of Scripture.|And also an Epistle which was omitted in|the last Edition.|The fifth Edition: corrected and amended.|

Edinbvrgh,| Printed for Andro Wilson, and are to be sold at his|shop, at the foot of the Ladies steps.1645.|

4°. Size 7 1/2 x 55 3/4 inches.Leaf 11, Title, 12 blank. 21–31, 3 pages, Dedication to King James. 32–52, 5 pages, To the Godly.… Reader. 61, ‘The Book this Bill.…’ 62, Table. B11–I31, pp. 1–61, The first Treatise. I32, blank. I41, p. 63, Table. I42, blank. K11,–Ii22, pp. 65–244, The second Treatise. Aaa11–Aaa21, pp. 1–3, To the misliking Reader. Aaa21–Ddd42, pp. 4–32, A Resolution of Doubts. Eee11–Eee42, pp. 31-38 [33-40], Prophecies of Sibyilla. (In some copies an additional sheet is inserted with list of Errata, see Note.)

Signatures. [A] in six (leaves 4 & 5 are an insertion) + B to Z and Aa to Hh in fours + Ii in two + Aaa to Eee in four = 148 leaves.

Paging. 12 + 244 numbered + (38 + 2 for error=) 40 numbered = 296 pages.

Errors in Paging. In pp. 1-244 there are 10 errors which do not affect the total; but in pp. 1-[40] the numbers 31 & 32 are twice repeated, so that numbers on all the subsequent pages are understated by 2.

In Glasgow University Library is a copy of this edition with an extra leaf inserted at the end containing “Errata.—Curteous Reader thou art desired to correct these faults following, which chiefly happened through the absence of the Author and the difficulty of the Coppy. viz.,” this is followed by ten lines of corrections.

The author’s name, it will be observed, is spelt on the title-page in the modern form, and the Dedication to King James is signed, “John Napier, Peer of Marchiston.” The substitution of Peer for Fear or Feuer of Merchiston seems to have been intentional. It is not noticed in the errata, but is of course a mistake.

This is the only edition in which “The Text.”, “The Paraphrasticall Exposition.”, and the “Historicall Application.”, are printed successively and not in parallel columns. The “Historicall Application.”, is printed in black letter. “Az. Chr.” is printed on the margin of each page in both treatises.

Libraries. Adv. Ed.; Sig. Ed.; Un. Ed.; New Col. Ed. (2); Un. Gl. (2); Un. Ab.; Brit. Mus. Lon.; Sion Col. Lon.; Un. Camb.; Trin. Col. Camb.;

2. Editions