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[ 143 ]

manner by Porphyrius, on the teſtimony of tradition, and more antient writers: His account is alſo confirmed by Pauſanias in his deſcription of Greece, Lib. I. c. 240.

"In the reign of Erechtheus, a prieſt of the name of Diomus having placed upon the altar of Jupiter Palieus an offering, conſiſting of barley and honey, a bullock happened to approach the altar, and put his mouth to the offering."

"Enraged at the bull for taſting and trampling upon the conſecrated cake, the zealous prieſt ſeized an hatchet and killed the animal by a ſingle blow. No ſooner had he perpetrated, than he began to repent him of the impious action. He buriedthe