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[ 144 ]

the bullock, and impelled by an evil conſcience, fled of his own accord to the iſland of Crete. Soon after the Athenian territories were afflicted by a great famine. The Athenians ſent to conſult the Oracle of Delphos, with reſpect to the means of relieving themſelves from this calamity; the Pythian prieſteſs returned them this reſponſe, "that there was at Crete an exile who would expiate their afflictions, and that if they would inflict puniſhment on the ſlayer, and erect in the place where he fell a ſtatue to the ſlain, that this would greatly benefit thoſe who taſted, as alſo thoſe who had not touched the dead. Having made ſearch for the exile mentioned by the Oracle, the Athenians at length found this Diomus, who, thinking to take awaythe