Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/12

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by, where making excuſe to ſtay about the neceſſaries of nature, while the yong man went on forward, incontinent in the ſhape and likenes of a Woolfe he encountred his owne Sonne, and there moſt cruelly ſlewe him, which doon, he preſently eat the brains out of his head as a moſt ſauerie and dainty delycious meane to ſtaunch his greedye apetite: the moſt monſtrous act that euer man heard off, for neuer was knowen a wretch from nature ſo far degenerate.

Long time he continued this vilde and villanous life, ſometime in the likenes of a Woolfe, ſometime in the habit of a man, ſometime in the Townes and Citties, and ſometimes in the Woods and thickettes to them adioyning, whereas the duche coppye maketh mention, he on a time mette with two men and one woman, whom he greatly deſired to murder, and the better to bring his diueliſh purpoſe to effect, doubting by them to be ouermatched and knowing one of them by name, he vſed this pollicie to bring them to their end. In ſubtill ſorte he conuayed himſelfe far before them in their way and craftely couched out of their ſight, but