Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/13

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but as ſoone as they approched neere the place where he lay, he called one of them by his name, the partye hearing him ſelfe called once or twice by his name, ſuppoſing it was ſome familiar freend that in ieſting ſorte ſtood out of his ſight, went from his companye towarde the place from whence the voice proceeded, of purpoſe to ſee who it was, but he was no ſooner entred within the danger of this tranſformed man, but incontinent he was murdered in ye place, the reſt of his company ſtaying for him, expecting ſtill his returne, but finding his ſtay ouer long: the other man lefte the woman, and went to looke him, by which means the ſecond man was alſo murdered, the woman then ſeeing neither of both returne againe, in hart ſuſpected that ſome euill had fallen vpon them, and therfore with all the power ſhe had, ſhe ſought to ſaue her ſelfe by flight, though it nothing preuailed, for good ſoule ſhe was alſo ſoone ouertaken by this light footed Woolfe, whom when he had firſt deflowred, he after moſt cruelly murdered, the men were after found mangled in the wood, but the womans body was neuer af- ter