Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/94

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Broadside Ironclads.

was not a man to disregard the claims of humanity. The casualties to the crew of the 'Alabama' were nine killed and twenty-one wounded, while the ’Kearsage’ had only three wounded. This vessel was struck thirty times, of which thirteen only were in the hull. The firing of the 'Alabama' was wild, but she suffered under another great disadvantage, that she had previously little shot or shell practice against a target, being unable to replenish her ammunition. Mere drill with guns unloaded can never render men efficient in action. Frequent target practice is essential to give confidence and proficiency before the enemy. Lack of this and the improvised armour of her antagonist told against the 'Alabama,' and two valuable lessons were thus afforded by this action. They should not be forgotten at a time when the principle of protecting ships with armoured decks only is being so much extended, and when there is a tendency to curtail practice with full charges of powder owing to their effect upon the guns.