Page:The Diothas, or, A far look ahead (IA diothasorfarlook01macn).pdf/263

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"But there is yet stronger and more direct evidence than that," continued Hulmar. "In this book are collected instances of people whose minds, for some unexplained reason, retained more or less complete recollection of their experiences during some previous period of existence, from the time of Pythagoras down. The most remarkable of these cases is that of Metis Telleth, from which I purpose reading a few extracts."

"But, surely, Ismar must be familiar with the story of Metis," objected Reva.

Upon my assurance that I had not even heard the name of Metis till a few minutes before, she regarded me with eyes of wonder and doubt, but made no further objection. Hulmar then began to read to us the account of a case in which, to my ever-increasing surprise, I recognized the details of an experience resembling mine in many respects. Reva listened with the rapt attention awakened by her gradually dawning perception of her father's drift. She did not once raise her eyes from the ground; so that I was unable to judge of the effect on her of this strange story, and its probable application to myself.

"What do you think of that case?" inquired Hulmar, on closing the book.

"It might, with a few changes, pass for an account of my own," was my instant reply. The time had arrived for an explanation, and it was with unspeakable relief that I saw the way thus rendered plain.

I may have felt doubts since; hut, at the moment, I really believed that Hulmar had hit upon the true explanation of my extraordinary experiences. It explained every thing so plausibly, and in a manner so much more