Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/264

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WHAT GOOD JUDGES THINK OF IT. The following extracts are from letters received by the Editor from seventeen intelligent K ew Church ministers : "The SwEDENBORG LIBRARY plan excites the universal ad- miration of those whose attention I have called to it." " Exactly what it ought to be, beautiful, attractive, and not too larg-e. Such books are read. I regard this enterprise as the best 5-et started to promulgate the heavenly doctrines." " This seems to me just what we need ; I am delighted with it." "I think the idea is a very happy one : I have shown the book to several of our people, and all give it unqualified praise." "I like the project very much. . . . Sure you will be gratified with the reception which the Swebexborg Library will meet." " Splendid ! Just the thing that is needed by a large class of readers even in our so-called New Church Societies." " You are doing just now, in my estimation, the greatest work of your life ; and my heart's wish is that every member of the Church may encourage you in it." "I have received and read several volumes of the Swedex- BORG Library with great interest, because I found in them the best missionary books that I have ever read." "Just the thing for our [missionary] work. . . I like it very much, and believe you are doing a good ser^ce." "The SwEDEXBORG LIBRARY Supplies the want I have felt for some time, and proves very acceptable and convincing read- ing to beginners." "The volumes are convenient for family and social reading, and form admirable text-books for adult classes, and elder classes in Sabbath-schools." " I think you are engaged in a noble work in bringing out the substance of Swedenborg's teachings in such an attractive and Inexpensive form as the Swedenborg Library." "The publication of the Swedenborg Library meets my heartiest approval. It was a well-conceived idea, and has been carried out in great good taste." " This series of New Church works has, in my judgment, no equal for giving to the masses the grand truths of the New Age." " The little books are delightful. Volume 12 is a perfect treas- ure, and must meet a very general want." " I find the Swedendorg Library every way satisfactory. I deem it among the very best works of the Church." "I am more and more delighted with what I see of the Swedenborg Library. Volume 13 seems to me one of the very best things we have in the literature of the Church." 2