Page:The Doctrines of the New Church Briefly Explained.djvu/265

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OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The SwEDENBORG LIBRARY is the best adapted to the pur- pose of bringing Swedenborg's voluminous system within the scope of popuhir comprehension, of any work that has come to our notice."— Philadelphia Inquirer. "It is one of the most useful works which has lately shown itself in the Church. For this reason we recommend it with our whole heart. . . . The choice of extracts is exquisite, admirable, and of the greatest importance and use even to well-instructed members of the New Church."— Bote der Neuen Kirche (Rev. O. A. Brickman, Editor). " The work is interesting to churchmen, and all who desire to be well informed on the religions of the ^a.y. "—Kokomo Dispatch. "Managers of New-Church libraries will find the volumes of this series especially useful to persons just becoming interested." —New Jerusalem Magazine. " We can heartily commend this little book to any who may desire a general notion of the theological views of one of the most remarkable men that ever lived." — Cincinnati Times. "Swedenborg, when studied for the sake of his spirit only, must improve in the esteem of all good men. The abridged edition of his works is very attractive in form, and is full enough to convey the author's meaning."— T/je Christian Union. "Mr. Barrett is excellently well qualified for this labor. . . The New Church is growing ; and this popularization of its creed will be of value to some and interest to ah."— Pliila. North American.

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