Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/148

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994. For μοῖρα μοῖραν, which is nonsense, read μοῖρ ἄμοιρά μ᾽; and compare νᾶες ἄναες, γάμος ἄγαμος.

1095. For μελαγκέρων, by all means read μελαγκρόκῳ, and for ἐν πέπλοισι perhaps ἐμπλακέντα.

1422. I think τῆς εμῆς ought to be τήνδ᾽ ἐμῆς, for ἐπήγαγεν must have Agamemnon as nominative. παροψύνημα, a delicate side dish, can only mean Cassandra. It cannot mean "a relish." Χλιδῇς cannot be right, but perhaps the participle χλιδῶν.

1446. For κράτος ἰσόψυχον (which is defective in metre as well as sense), read κράτος σινόψυχον, "thou establishest a soul-blighting sway by means of women." Hermann by inserting τ᾽ after κράτος did not improve the sense.

1610. For ἄξει read ἔχθει, thou art hated, in contrast to χαρᾷ.

1618. For σειραφόρον read σειραφόρων: "bands heavier than common harness."