Page:The Earliest English Translations of Bürger's Lenore - A Study in English and German Romanticism - Emerson (1915).djvu/7

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The Western Reserve

University Bulletin.

The Bulletin is designed to serve as a medium of communication between the University and its alumni, friends, and the general body of scholars engaged in teaching or research. It contains a report of the most important acts of the Board of Trustees and of the Faculty, a record of the publications and public lectures of the Faculty and of the most important accessions to the library; accounts of special research in prosecution; original contributions from the Faculty or advanced students dealing with subjects of scientific or educational interest; brief notes, relating to the Faculty and alumni, and such other matter as is deemed suitable for diffusing information in regard to the work of the University, and preserving a permanent record of its activities.

With the present issue of the Bulletin a series of studies is begun which will in the future, it is hoped,